I read this and started my business.
This is the book that many people told me
they read this and started their store!!
A book "SUPER recommended" by a friend hosting seminars about the immune system
<9 minutes>
Intestinal bacteria (gut flora) comes from what people eat
Amino acids
Immune substances
Immuno stimulants
Transmitters =Alerts microphage about cancer
Dopamine, Seratonin
All of that wealth of information is created by the intestinal bacteria!
This gut flora →Is in charge of all the functions of the body
There is no intestinal bacteria in a baby's body.
Where does it come from?
Bacteria that can be named is only about 1%? or 10%?
We don't know the denominator so we can't say.
Where is it from? From the mouth?!
Humidity, warmth,
does it come from nature and enter into the intestines and stay there?!
Humans create pathogens
and when it increases, sometimes copy mistakes happen,
and toxic things are born.
There are serious cases with children who like clean spaces
It's better when there are more bacteria
Living in the city →Bacteria gets out of balance.
Playing in dirt?!
<1 minute>
Smell→Bacteria balance is off
Nature→Handles soil fungus
Completely new "lifestyles" and "businesses" can be introduced
"Like it" "Enjoy it" "kind to the earth"
These are the basics !!!
"How to live yourself" =Do you "like" it? Is it "fun"? Is it "effortless?"
Zoom for X
Businesses that utilize ZOOM are being born day after day 〜!
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■Zoom for Communication
■Zoom for Marketing
(Reference)Zoom for X。
Those who a looking to sustain their business by utilizing Zoom■Zoom for Communication
■Zoom for Marketing
(Reference)Zoom for X。
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