Tuesday, April 21, 2020

"How to live yourself" =Do you "like" it? Is it "fun"? Is it "effortless?"

Notes from the seminar I participated in yesterday!

How to live in this new era
Great turning point
Era is changing from night→to day 
1 day in the universe is 5000 years 
2500 years is the era of night 
2500 years is the era of day 
The world becomes 0 after two cycles of night and day (10,000 years) 
After that its washed by water. 
Now we have come to the 46th generation of day. 
Pyramids and other such structures that can't be explained are what is left from the previous era. (such as Maya) 

Characteristics of the era of night and day 

Era of night 
Pyramid shaped society 
Top 1% rule along with 4%=a total of 5% of the people rule 
the remaining 95% and their wealth 
95% of them are controlled 

Society all faced in the same direction. 
Hierarchy of top and bottom 
Competitive society 
Masculine society 
Importance was placed on struggle, effort, endurance and hard work 

A world centered around money 
Unhappy industry ・Dependence ・Talent type
A world judged by people 
So that people would not awaken 
Era of day 
From truth and sincerity 
Society faced in all directions 
Sideways    A flat (equal) relationship 
Symbiotic society 
Feminine society 
Like (heart) ・ Fun (mind)・Effortless (body)→ Everyone will enter into a psychic mode 
A world  centered around life and the heart 
Happy Industry ・Independence ・Genius type 
A world judged by nature 
Differences between the era of night and day?
At night, 
the guides support you,
but you are now in the drivers seat. 
The guide are often your ancestors ・・・
At day ・・・
Supporters support you. 
They are like a car navigation and you are in the drivers seat 
Decide that you will "live as yourself" and take full accountability 
3 rules of the era of day
1)Live as yourself. Do you "like it" "enjoy it" and is it "effortless?" 
2)Does it also make others happy too? 
3)Is it a plus for nature? Will the earth rejoice? 

What you should not do in the era of day 
・Live being concerned about what others think 
・Adhere to the prevailing mindsets of society  →It will lower your good luck 
・Hinder others' freedom→ Give them absolute freedom 
・Interfere with others' affairs 
The era is changing →Some people will leave you →That will also bring growth and learning 
During the era of day, find your "soul work" 
1)That you like it 
2)That you enjoy it 
3)That it is effortless 
4)That it is profitable
Profit does not mean only money, but also that people are happier than you imagined
A state where you only have to hear 1 to understand 10 

Era of day    5 types of work that will be successful  
Self employed (freedom) 
Freedom of "Salaryman≒slaves"
Top decides × → Decision making power in the grassroots 
1)Work that you like 
2) Work that doesn't exhaust your body 
  During the era of day it'll likely be 10 days each of (work+learning+play)
3)Work that makes you and others happy   A job that brings joy 
4)Work that uses machines   New technology 
5)Work that has nature on their side    The earth will be the judge 
What you need to do now・・・
・Take back your emotions and intuition (6th sense) 
   It is time to awaken 
   Do you like or dislike it→ Quit what you dislike 
  Sadness or anger is a chance to find out where you are in misalignment 
  What happens is always the best 
  Don't judge others 
  Face the emotions that come up
・Take it easy. Sleep lots. 9 hours including naps. 
・Don't speak bad words 
A lot of purification and cleansing will happen 
Water will wash it away 
So Reiwa will bring lots of rain 
and also wind. 

A wonderful world awaits. 
Live following your heart and soul. 
・・・It was a wonderful seminar. 

Than you so much SAYUMI