Sunday, March 15, 2020

Understanding Gen-Z. Learn. Have a knowledge

We must understand the U25’s world view of Gen-Z 


Millennials    VS       Gen-Z
Born between 1981~1996           〜in their mid-twenties
              Between 1996〜2012

↓↓↓What's the difference?
・ How they use SNS
Gen-Z are "True Digital natives" 

 Multiple accounts
 Interact with people they don't know 
 Post edited photos

Especially careful about how privacy is handled.

Have the most acceptance out of all the generations towards diversity.

More interested in what is "real" (tend to purchase based on emotion) rather than superficial brands.

Want to deepen their character by having their own variety of experiences.

Tendency to like things that will be interested when posted on SNS.

Analog type things can seem refreshing.

"A style that everyone should aim for" doesn't exist.

・Millennials (Digital pioneers) 
 Freelancer way of thinking
    Experienced Lehman shock etc so have a tendency to be pessimistic 

・Gen-Z→ Struggle with human relationships. 
 Generation that believes the strongest in human equality.

Image of Gen Z     Groups of "like" is what creates a trend 
DAIGO speaks about 
What will help you to recover from stress and fatigue far more than any massage.  ・・・


Get sick of long e-mails.
Don't check your e-mail in the morning.

↓↓↓To be rid of tiredness↓↓↓

Go out in nature!
Go to a forest!
More effective than meditation?!
Even in a park, go somewhere where there is water running?!

Nature will put your back into your best state.


"Raising compact farmhouses" Japan's first 
↓↓↓Aren't there many people who want a life like this? ↓↓↓

An Internet Agricultural school that will make your life fun!
The CAMPus principle, Mr. Imoto speaks of this school.

"How to prepare to survive and thrive in this era  with massive change" 
 See Ken Honda's message here.

Today we will learn from Mr. Mochizuki's mail magazine


■ People can decide when they interact with people from "other worlds." 

  1/ 200,000,000,
  000,000,000 magic that the British prime minister challenged

"How can people make big decisions" 

This is a theme  that many leaders
from ancient history have researched.

There is an interesting story regarding this.

In the middle of WWII,
the Prime Minister of England,
Winston Churchill was forced to make a decision.

The German army that was moving towards the West
with furious momentum,
was right at their doorstep

With his one decision,
many lives would be lost.

Truly days of anguish.

However one night,
after Churchill finished supper,
an entertainment magician showed up.

His name was
Harry Green.

Harry deliberately took a set of new playing cards
out of its box.

And he placed a single black card
and a single red card, facing upwards
on the table.

Then he gave the remaining cards to Churchill,
and said


"After you shuffle the cards,
    place the cards, still facing downwards,
 onto the black card or the red card."

Follow your intuition,
and if you think its red, place it on the red,
and if you think its black, place it on the black."


Harry continued

The probability of all the cards being separated clearly into black and red is ・・・
 1/ 200,000,000,000,000,000!" 


You read this row of zeros as one out of 2 quintillion.
It's a unit above trillion.

It's truly an astronomical probability.

However, the next moment what Churchill saw was ・・・

┌2)People can decide when they interact with people from "other worlds." 

The cards that Harry flipped
were all perfectly separated into black and white.

The reds were neatly all reds and the blacks were all blacks.
Nothing was mixed.

Churchill was astonished.

He tried it again and the results were the same.
A miracle that is  one out of 2 quintillionth happened twice in a row.

Harry told him the name of this magic.


"Out of this world" 


This card magic went on to be something incomparable in history.

It made Churchill feel like he was truly in "another world". 
All the anguish he felt about the "war" had disappeared during that moment. 

And then・・・

At 2 am midnight, Churchill who showed up at the meeting,
his expression had completely changed.

He went on to create a battle plan that
lead them to victory, with an energy
 that had not been seen until then.

What do you think?

Humans cannot make big decisions when
 being forced with reason.

When people are "moved" or "amazed" beyond measure,
they are then able to make new decisions.

My life also has been a continuation of such decisions.
Yours likely has been too.

Our lives are not a continuation of our past.
We are faced with big decisions.

The question is how can we be "moved" and "amazed"
in order to be able to make those decisions.

Next time, lets explore the how.

Thank you for reading.

Today's episode was taken from the following reference.

"Power of Secret"

2019 Sunmark publications

Author Thorsten Havener
Translator Satomi Shibata



I thought I should meet
more incredible people from different worlds!
Someone who is outstandingly awesome
