Takumi Yamazaki's YouTube channel
Please subscribe!!!
I uploaded the video of the
"Coaching seminar @Tokyo" with Akio Hiramatsu
Your actions change
your life changes
the world changes.
・・・An aurora experience!!!
Today ・・・
I did a recording with himalaya!!!
Thank you!
A fun audio that is brought to you in a radio program like format.
There's this too〜♪
Wow!So happy about this too!!!
Thank you so much!
Mental Seed: オートマティックに願いを叶える貢献のロジック
Zoom from the hot spring♪
So nice〜
It's like terrace house, I'm envious〜lol!!!
Special personal coaching♪(lol)
English blog
Are you excited about life? The biggest risk of a leader is not being excited
Appreciation to everyone in each region!