Keisuke Oshima's book
![]() | 世界一ワクワクするリーダーの教科書
is fantastic!
The conditions to becoming the Ultimate Leader is now
the "how" but in your "way of being."
In the "way you live your life!"
What are you excited about in your life?
About how many % excited are you now>
What's important is that you are "excited"
Success only lasts with excitement.
The ultimate leaders all lived with
"Emotions first and results after"
Went well →Not excited ×
the "how" but in your "way of being."
In the "way you live your life!"
What are you excited about in your life?
About how many % excited are you now>
What's important is that you are "excited"
Success only lasts with excitement.
The ultimate leaders all lived with
"Emotions first and results after"
Went well →Not excited ×
Excited →Goes well ○
Heart × Action=Result
Mindset ×What you do =Result (future)
So let your heart be excited now!
The biggest risk of a leader
is to not be excited!
So let your heart be excited now!
The biggest risk of a leader
is to not be excited!
Life is a 100 year summer vacation
In reflecting 90 years of life, what do you regret most?
In reflecting 90 years of life, what do you regret most?
"I wish I had been more adventurous・・・"
How can you create an overwhelmingly amazing team where everyone shines?
How can you create an overwhelmingly amazing team where everyone grows?
How can you create an overwhelmingly amazing team that can create the best outcome?
How can you create an overwhelmingly amazing team where everyone shines?
How can you create an overwhelmingly amazing team where everyone grows?
How can you create an overwhelmingly amazing team that can create the best outcome?
You are the leader of your own life.
The representative of "you Co.Ltd.) is YOU!!
Go for ittttttttt!!!
The representative of "you Co.Ltd.) is YOU!!
Go for ittttttttt!!!
How about supporting the children in India?!
【心と世界のかけ算プロジェクト 2020 #募集スタート】
![]() | ヘンリー・シュガーのわくわくする話 (評論社の児童図書館・文学の部屋)
The wonderful story of Henry Sugar by Roald Dahl
With Takumi Yamazaki and was like, "We finally met"
Thank you for posting!
Sorry for being late today〜
It was fun〜
Thank you so much! !
It was fun〜
Thank you so much! !