The way I understood it,
according to Bashar the way to find your true self was to:
1)Have a goal that excites you
2)Do your best
3)Don't be concerned about the results
4)Live as if you've already achieved it
1)Follow your passion
3)Have no attachments
4)Stay positive
・・・is the explanation he gave me!
He said the first contact with aliens will be 2032~2040.
I asked him, "What happen when humans die?!"
He said, that we will return to "spirit".
That we will return to ALL THAT IS.
He said,
"We give ideas,
but whether you integrate them or not
depends on the listener."
We are living in a country that "stops learning at 24"-Akihiro Nishino
A country where grown adults stop learning!!!
It's the bottom of the list among developed countries・・・
This is a generation that is very very advantageous for those who
study and make an effort.
Know that things will get worse if they continue on this path.
Character economy
From a monetary economy to a evaluation economy
The "evaluation economy" begun with the appearance of SNS.
Money went to those with a high evaluation (many followers) and next, everyone started collecting evaluations (followers).
What was once know-how on "how to increase money" soon changed into "how to increase followers (how to increase channel subscribers)
I heard a rumor that the most recent "Game of Life" is about collecting "followers" instead of "money". Isn't that interesting.
![]() | 人生ゲーム プラス 令和版【日本おもちゃ大賞2019 コミュニケーション・トイ部門 優秀賞】
"Evaluation economy" is no longer enough.
Now that "evaluation=numbers of followers" no longer stood on its own,
what showed up next was a "credit economy"
The characteristics of the follower economy is the "reach and ad costs"
and the characteristics of the credit economy is the "depth/direct billing."
Recently, I feel there are more people who will give it to you up front and say, "the number of your followers etc is actually meaningless". Don't you think the same?
The common thread between these people is that they are "sticking to their character."
They don't for a second betray people's expectations of "this person likely has this kind of character"
"I mean he's that sort of a person. It's to be expected that he's such and such"
I vaguely thought last night that, "Finally, we can hear the footsteps of "entertainment" and "killing time"
My friend published a book!!!
There are two special bonuses presents for those who purchase the book.
Bonus 1
The present perfect tense made perfectly easy to understand for those learning english.
A "Secret textbook on how to become fluent with the perfect tense"
with a super simple explanation and illustrations.
Bonus 2
A "Secret textbook on how to become fluent with the perfect tense and past perfect tense "
The URL is attached to the last page in the book.
Hachimura is amazing〜!
Much appreciation to those in each region!
![]() | アイデアが湧き出してとまらなくなる“ミラクル・クエスチョン” (角川フォレスタ)
![]() | 1日10分であらゆる問題がスッキリする「ひとり会議」の教科書 (Sanctuary books)
![]() | 一瞬で気持ちの整理ができる「感情のスイッチ」 ココロにやさしいマイ・ルール19