Friday, December 13, 2019

"When moving spontaneously" →Count to 5 "When an event happens that causes you to feel fear" →Count 90 seconds

Understanding the needs of the times -King Kong Akihiro Nishino 

Everyone is selling something as their livelihood ・・・
(a service, product or art etc)  


Do you understand the needs of the times?
Just calculating backwards from the needs of the customer is not interesting. 

it's important to know 
What do the customers want? 
It's important to know and have a grasp on it!!! 

What do the customers now want? 
Ticket to become staff(This one is the most expensive)
A seat
B seat

The most expensive ticket to become staff is the first ticket that gets sold out. 
The customers now want to be someone on the broadcasting end.
That increases more likes and followers too. 

The definition of the word quality has also changed. 
In the past, it meant the quality of the product. 
Now, its whether there is margin created well for customers to participate. 

Things changed from restaurant style to BBQ style. 
Know that there is such a thing as paying money to work. 
I gather volunteers from salon members. 

They're willing to work, even though they're the ones paying money. 
They want to be the sender and creator of something new! 
Having the platform to be able to that is a strength. 

Camping, puzzles, BBQ
all of these include paying money to work. 

When designing work, "Ensure that its a win for everyone" -KingKong Nishino

Individuals are sponsoring this program. 
10,000 yen per program!!! 
Today was sponsored by Morita-san in Sapporo. 
The entire amount is donated to slum children in Philippines. 

Making it a win for everyone. 
That's what's important!! 
(=The number 1 defense)

How to solve in 90 seconds when you feel fear. 

Dr. Jill Taylor The 90 second rule 


Sad emotions 
Panicked emotions 
When you feel disappointed ・・・

There's a way to calm yourself down in 90 seconds!

When you feel that something that's happening now is a danger to you, a stress hormone is released. 
Then, that gives you ・・・3 options!!!



First, wait 90 seconds (Use your stop watch!!!) 
uses the newest part of your brain!!!
Then, think of the solution after that. 

Think about 
How will solving this problem improve my life? 
Is it within my realm of control? 
Get your focus back on what you can do 
(=its your life)

What a neuroscientist that overcame a stroke taught me about 
how to create a "happy brain" 


When moving spontaneously  → Count to 5 
When an event happens that causes you to feel fear→ Count to 90 

There was someone who commented, 
Offensive 5 seconds, Defensive 90 seconds 

How to motivate yourself 
You'll become a Super Sainan


Start with a small step! 

Tell your friend, "If I can't do it I'll give you 10,000 yen" (penalty game) 

What you don't want to do→Don't do it!(lol) 

The 5 second rule!
what will you do?!

If you find something to do 
Count down !!!
5、4、3、2、1、GO!!!and start!

Yesterday we went to see the show next to the hotel! 

It was so fun〜!!!

There's a Gemini meteor shower on the 14th・・・

Basic Income ・・・

There was an experiment in the US about "What would happen if 54,000 yen was given monthly to those living in financial difficulty without restricting how it was used?"  

For the families that were target of this experiment, a provision of 54,000 yen a month would be
about a 30% increase on their monthly income.

"If the government provides cash to people, will they stop working??"
"Solutions to big problems are not born through a speech, but by showing what is possible, advocating it, and rebuilding."

「他人のためにお金を使うこと」は血圧を下げ運動や食事と同じくらい健康にインパクトを与える - GIGAZINE

外食したりお手伝いさんを雇って「自分の時間を買う」ことで人はより幸せになれるという結果が判明 - GIGAZINE
