Saturday, December 14, 2019

Richard Branson and Katie Perry! How about it?

Today is the international convention....9000 people!!!!

This is・・・

Wow! Amazing! 

The aspirational Richard Branson!!!

I've been reading his books since I was in my 20's!
He's one of my aspirations! 

Energy gathered here from all over Asia!!!

The music guest was ・・・

Katie Perry!


At the photo session, she unexpectedly talked to me〜

With the astronauts!

It was a very stimulating day today!

Let's learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine・・・

I see, it's a rather interesting, mysterious experiment result
 But somehow, I sort of get it! TAKU


■ Whether its better to set goals in secret

┌1)Do goals come true easier if kept a secret? 

It is nearing the year end. 

I imagine many of you are already envisioning 2020 and what you want it to be like.

I'd like to discuss a topic that will be useful to you now. 

There is the saying that, "The years plan should be made on New Years Day" 

By the way・・・

Are you the type of person who announces your goals to others? 

Or are you someone who doesn't tell anyone 
and hides it in your heart? 

Of course both are wonderful traits. 

Regarding this, the following experiment was carried out in 2009, by German psychologist Peter Golwitzer and his team. 

There were 32 subjects for this experiment, all students from the University of Germany. 

The conditions for participating in the experiment was limited only to those who 
wanted to "succeed as a jurist." 

First, they are given a 4 page survey. 

The content is to confirm their desire to learn and they answer, checking stages 109. 

From here is where it gets interesting. 

┌2)Do goals come true easier if  kept a secret? 

Golwitzer separated the students into two groups.


Group A

A group that had an examiner confirm what's written in the survey, 
and confirm with the individual "whether they truly think so" before retrieving.

Group B

Did not have to show anyone, 
but simply put the survey in a collection box.


After this, they had both groups answer legal questions. 

The time given was 45 minutes. 

It's allowed to quit halfway through.

Furthermore, the rule was that at the point of 45 minutes passing, 
it is okay to solve only the question you were working on until the end. 

Now let's look at the results. 

Group A

Time spent working on the issue 
Average of 41 minutes

Group B
Time spent working on the issue 
Average of 45 minutes 

It's a little strange isn't it? 

If you think normally, 
you'd think that since they showed a examiner, 
they were stir themselves to do it till the end no matter what. 

However,  as this experiment shows, 
when others become interested in the identities we value, 
there are times when we can't put out as high a performance as we intended. 

It might be "taking on the pressure" 
Or perhaps just by saying their goal or telling someone, 
it made them feel like they already achieved it. 

So, is it better not to share your dreams or goals with others? 

Let's continue to discuss this next time. 

Thank you for reading. 

The references for today's episode is taken with gratitude from: 

Newton 2020.1 
P.122,123 Newton Press 
"Practical psychology that will help you" part 1, Motivation psychology" 

This population transition in Japan from (1873-2015) is interesting! 
The concentration into Tokyo is surprising w


Thank you always!