Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What will you use your life for? Can you show your weak self to others? The trap of short term thinking.

Just one person's love 
can heal conflict and solve everything. 

What will you use your life for?
To make a magnificent "Happy company"
=Happy Company Project 

・What is a company (work)? 
・What is life?
・What is your philosophy for business?
(Went around asking these questions)


Providing value to the world
The "Goal" is important 
"Enjoying this moment and experiencing it" is important too! 

Expanding your heart, growing your potential and meeting an expanded self! 

”a great cause" and "profit"→Integrating these two is the manager's job
(Eiichi Shibusawa「義利合一」)

Love, Gratitude, Resonance (doingとbeing)
being=what's interesting about us!
    What is the world that we want to create?!
→Office, a comfortable space!

Heart opens through love. 
Can receive courage to step out. 

When you overcome obstacles, you can grow bigger and stronger 
"The you that tries to show off" 
The weak you that says, "I'm at my breaking point. Can't take it anymore" ・・・
Can you show your team your weaknesses?!It's important!

Similar patterns continue with disappointing results. 
When you can't handle things with your current self・・・
It's "a message to you"! 
It's "a sign!" 
It's a sign that your soul will evolve. 

It can even be just one person 
Have someone who can show understanding to your struggles and conflict・・・

Especially when things are tough... take a deep breath・・
Why did you start this job?!
What is it that you really want to gain?!

The trap of "short-term thinking" that people fall into unconsciously 
Before I knew it, I was trying to meet other people's expectations 
and it changed my actions! 

good is the enemy of great


Communicate from the vision 

The numbers are a part of the results!
Wonderful service!
A wonderful team!

Start from the inside 
Something outstanding that is filled with soul!!!
(People won't gather around half hearted "things" "people" or "teams.") 

Bringing out individuality!
Expressing what you believe! Going through with it! 

"experiences that move the heart" 
"society that develops with emotional reward" 

Work is a platform!

Want to answer to people's expectations=Habit
Want to do what is real  =Soul

Get coaching and share with others what I learned →Evolve internally!Expands you as a person! 

Commitment to results→Try to control people=habit
Recognize your ideas and beliefs

What does the soul think? 
Want to bring out the initiative of the members

Keep connecting with your roots, the core of you! 
Love yourself and forgive yourself. 
And you'll stop trying to control others. 
You'll accept their diversity and draw out their potential! 

You can simply be yourself!It's enough! 
Face your negative emotions 
and forgive those too. 
It's okay to have different emotions and different ways of thinking. 

Tend to try to meet the expectations of others. 
Instead do that, 
follow your beliefs and go for it! 

It's easy to say it in words! 
It's hard to change your entire OS! 

When everything you do starts going wrong=It's a sign that its a time for growth
Commit to your own "internal evolvement!" 

Your thought patterns are often rooted in your relations with your parents and family. 

We've been taught to repress negative emotions 
School and our family taught us that it's something bad. 
That's why it's hard to accept feelings of anger or sadness or loneliness. 

"Many people have not started from the place of it being "Okay that everything exists within you." (U theory) 

Can accept the good
but not the bad. 

Start from "everything being OK!"
Let go of "how you want it to be" 
(it's the "should be" religion of "how things should be" lol) 

When that happens, you can't forgive useless people! 

But you are mirroring what is on the inside, to the world and those around you!  

When you stop trying to control others 
You begin to believe in the energy inside of others too. 

Internal evolving→Team moves up to a new stage! 
A team that can truly allow for self-expression. 

Integrating negative and positive! 
Minus is a resource.

Teal(evolutionary)=Living organism 

Not about focusing on the positive
but being able to help each other in a safe environment. 
With everyone's smiles
Each person bringing all of who they are, as they are. 
Each person having the courage to connect and self-manage =living organism. 
Use it for the social good.

The purpose of life is・・・
not to succeed or be recognize by someone. 
It is a journey to bring your true self to light. 

Your work palace is a platform. 
A place where everyone can express what they want. 
