Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Mt. Koya!!...for the first 2 days of New Year... Thank you 2019!

Just a little longer till 2020!
A big thank you to everyone this year. 

What sort of a year was 2019 for you? 
What sort of year do you want 2020 to be? 

Long-term thinking/Short-term thinking・・・
It's worth thinking about "what kind of life you want to live" on the long-term. 
To know "why you're focusing on what you are now." 

This year is Mt. Koya!!!
2 days of the new year・・・

See you in 2020! 

"Matsuzaka high school's track and field history record rankings" arrived. 
This is where I spent my high school days!


↓↓↓200m、400m、400mH↓↓↓It's still there!(lol)

Showa 58 is shining amongst children of Heisei! LOL