Monday, November 25, 2019

New book "MAZUBAKA" Talk Live Tokyo→Okinawa→Fukuoka→Okayama→Osaka→Nagoya→Sapporo


Yesterday I was in Kagoshima!
I was surprised it was so warm!


Kaoru-san, so awesome〜

His Holiness the Pope came to Japan for the first time in 38 years
visited the A-bomb area Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 24th 


【Allowance of full-time employees diasppears… Correct the gap with irregulars】

The policy of housing allowance is planned to be decreased over the next 10 years. 

Things are moving in the direction of work reform in Japan, to decrease overwork, decrease welfare, and encourage side jobs. 

After 10 years, having more than 2 cash points will likely be very normal. 

Ascertaining what to do as a side business starting now, and increasing your abilities is important, else income will most likely only drop. 

Japan Financial Newspaper (Nikkei) 

What are aboriginies?!Summary of over the top urban legends


Ken Honda↓↓↓

<Questions I received from you (parts)>

・I think, its Happy Money and I excitedly spend it, but sometimes I become anxious afterwards. Should I be spending "within the means I have now?" 

・The book said that "worry is a curse" but how can I stop worrying? 

・What should I do if my money reaches rock bottom, zero?

・I can't imagine what are  "actions without getting anything back in return". What are some ideas? 


★To get a voice download from Ken Honda

Song recommended by Yocchan↓↓↓


Appreciation to those in each region!


"A Feel Good Way to Succeed" @Nagoya///1000 people festival @Tokyo

Having more than 2 jobs now is called "parallel work" or "parallel careers"

Thoughts→Words→Actions→Habits→Character→Destiny  So monitor your thoughts! 

Be influenced by someone. But you must not give the drivers seat of your life over to them! 

"BY ME" is masculine→"THROUGH ME" is feminine. Surrendering and letting go

"Time Waver!"  I wanna know about it!!!