Friday, November 22, 2019

"Time Waver!" I wanna know about it!!!

Thank you for yesterday!
I want to know about this "TIME WAVER" !!!!

I found this article too↓↓↓

Yesterday's sunset was beautiful 〜

Everyone who participated, please send me photos and I'll post them here! 

The after was great!

Was so fun!

My daily diary (lol) 

[TAKUMENNY Homepage]
Takumi Yamazaki's restaurants in NYC LIC 

[TAKUMEN'S delivery]

[Takumen Apartment   Five fifty fifty  Sublet rooms]
If you're going to stay in NYC



I met the people who will be  hosting "Nagareru Kumoyo" in Nagoya in 2020. 

On the 5th and 6th of September next year! 

So I moved from Osaka to Nagoya!!!
Nagoya station was in a state of confusion with the emperor visiting! 

What is the moon?!
What is its true identity?!

So many mysterious things・・・

「Ikikata Mihon Ichi 2019」 hosted on December 14th 
I want to make it possible to do a live streaming of(Jiji Hall) nationwide and set up an official website to share information with everyone. It's my first time to do crowdfunding on an individual level. (Details can be found via the URL below) 


◎Title "From anywhere in Japan! 
                              Why not participate in Ikikata Mihon Ichi?"


The multiple issue that Japan is faced with now……

「Declining birthrate and aging」
「Decreasing work force」
「Child poverty」
「Increase in marginal settlements」
「Sharp increase in lonely deaths」etc.

There is more than one way to solve these issues, but I hope that by sharing "systems created by human power" it will be a chance to improve these issues. 

I want to get as many people involved as possible which is why I chose crowdfunding. By circulating support in the form of "money", I will do my very best to make it into something that will benefit this country. 

Please do consider it and lend your help and support. 

Naoki Suzuki


 「Ikikata Mahon Ichi2019」details
Date and Time:  2019 December 14th (Sat) 13:00-20:30
Place  Tokyo Jiji hall
     (You can participate through simulcast)
Scheduled speakers:  Fumiaki Nakamura
    Shinichi Tsuji
     Picture book therapist association
     Otera Oyatsu Club
     Akiko Miyake
     Kumiko Sugano
     Natural Cultivation party 
     Naoki Suzuki 
Host Collaborators:   株式会社なないち
            合同会社JOY CIRCUS

Art by my friend Kevin Berlin!

Kevin Berlin Art Collection Pop Up at Barton G. Miami Beach
Monday, November 25 - Tuesday, December 31, 2019 

Thank you for the photo〜