Saturday, November 9, 2019

"Living each day as if it were your last" →”Leaving something meaningful" =High Motivation

About the pen・・・

There is a pen
If you look at it, it's a "pen". 
If a puppy dog looks at it, it's a "toy". 

If you and the puppy dog leave the room・・・
What is it?! It's just a "thing" 
In Buddhism, this state is called "emptiness" 

If you enter the room, that thing becomes a "pen"
and to the puppy dog it becomes a "toy". 

Where is the information that it is a pen? 
Does it come from the pen to you? 
Or from you to the pen? 

It is from you, to the pen! 

However, it will not change into a diamond. 
That's because it does not have that seed. 

How do you plant those seeds?! 

1) Have a goal
2) Find a partner
3) Spend 1 hour a week supporting that partner
4) Before you go to sleep every night, praise yourself for your contributions. 

1) money 
2) relationships 
3) health
4) peaceful mind
5) desire to contribute, to help others

・Cannot leave your comfort zone
・Face the backlight
・An innovator who is attacked 
・Cultural baggage, imprints from your parents, eating habits, thinking patterns etc. ・・・

→Embrace new world views!!!

Find a muse!!!

Dante met Beatrice (goddess) and wrote "La Divina Commedia" 

Newton met the apple (goddess) and・・・

・There are muses all around us 
・A muse inspires our creativity
・High motivation is the seed to meet your muse

Our "bodies" are a "rental vehicle" !!!
Every day, 170,000 people die. 
Yet "we all think we will not die tomorrow." 

Living each day as if it were your last
High motivation to leave something meaningful in this world!!!
Meeting your muse
Your creativity is inspired and induced. 

The seed of vision
・Your worldview is what is mot important in creativity. 
・The most important discoveries of humanity 
・World-views exist the longest of all discoveries. 

1)This too will pass
 You start with something, but it will always change (everything is impermanent)   
    Don't lose hope even if you have NO ideas. 
   All amazing things will too one day pass! 
   Your husband who is angry will one day stop being angry. 

2)There is no one who can control it 
 Everything that is front of you now is born from a past seed. 
  Nobody can control it. 
 Your future is made up of the seeds you plant now. 

3)Both branches come from the same trunk 
  "object" and "subject" are both the same seed. Both are you. 

4)It should make someone happy!!!
  "name" is not connected to the "essence" 
 ie) It is possible to create a mountain of gold from what was called a mountain of trash.

5)Problems are a path (a chance/opportunity) 
   The problem could be a point of breakthrough. 

6)We should all be gardeners. 
   Everything first comes from a seed. 
  Let's plant amazing wonderful seeds!!!

It was a wonderful valuable time today!!!



Thai cuisine was delicious!!!

Blue Papaya Thailand Azabujuban restaurant
1F-A Atlas Building 1-5-10 Azabujuban, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Appreciation to those in each region!