Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I've started writing the text for “Life Map Coaching”!




 I wrote up a draft of life map coaching

Announcement about seminars in 

Tokamachi in Niigata

and Sapporo!

Recruiting for Terakoya “Totonou” 

A community for those under 25

Launch of a community where you can buy brand goods at a cheaper price!










Brand items, 

15% off the regular price?!


OPen price

Moncler Super Cheap Sale!!!


Please join the open chat〜!


As a gift to treat yourself!






First, sign up here〜

It implements an introduction system. 


Please purchase your birthday gift to yourself here!




OPEN CHAT「Happy birthday to me」





Sapporo Seminar








Terakoya (totonou) 

for those under 25



Just 3 more available spots!!!


Special price for 0th term students only!

3,300 yen per month (tax included)



A 6 moth growth period!!!





To organize my thoughts,

I'll write them down here





Life Map Coaching

The coaching method that utilizes role-based mind maps helps clients to organize the various roles they play in their lives and work, clarify their specific dreams and goals, and create action plans while working on issues. The following is the procedure.

1. Preparation Phase

  • Confirming the purpose: Together with the client, we confirm why we are setting goals and organizing issues for each role. For example: “I want to reaffirm my role and achieve with a sense of balance” or “I want to organize the issues I am currently facing”.
  • Creating a list of roles: We ask the client to write down the roles they play in their life and work (e.g. employee, parent, friend, self-improver, etc.).

 Image 1) 

2. Create Mindmap

  • Place yourself in the center: The client is placed at the center of the mind map, and each role branches out from there in a radial pattern.

  • Organizing the roles: For each role, clearly write down any detailed classifications or additional roles (e.g. “Programmer”, “Project Leader”, “Team Member”, etc. under “Employee”).

3. Set "dreams and goals"

  • Thinkiabout the vision for each role: For each role, write down the client's specific dreams and goals for the future. It is important to set both short-term and long-term goals here.

      • Examples: ‘As a project leader, I want to make next month's project a success’ ‘As a parent, I want to deepen the relationship of trust with my child’ etc.

4. Clarify "problems and issues" 

  • Analyze current issues: Write down the issues and problems you are currently facing in each role. This will help you to understand concretely what is preventing you from achieving your goals.

    *Examples: “Lack of communication”, “Poor time management”, etc.

5. Set the week's "TO-DO'S"

Create an action plan: Write down specific actions (TO DO) that you should work on this week for each role. This will help you to clarify the steps you need to take towards your goal and put them into practice.

      • Examples: “Set up a meeting with project members”, “Plan time to spend with your children on the weekend”, etc.

6. Progress follow-up and review

  • Periodic reviews: We will check progress with the client on a regular basis and, if necessary, review goals, issues and this week's to-dos. This allows us to proceed while remaining flexible.

7.  Feedback and review of results 

  • Provide feedback: As a coach, you provide feedback on the results achieved by the client, and motivate them for the next step.

    Review results: Review how close the client has come to achieving their set goals, and support them in feeling a sense of achievement.

  • This coaching method aims to support clients in achieving self-growth and a balanced life by visually organizing their goals and issues for each role and creating a concrete action plan. 



About the Task Manager

When acting as a role-based task manager, the following is a guide for checking progress and creating a to-do list for the following week, which should be done once a week for 30 minutes. This is an effective framework for supporting the client in achieving their goals.

1. Weekly coaching session outline 

  • Time required: 30 minutes

  • Purpose: To check the progress of the client's to-do list and set a plan of action (to-do) for the following week. 

  • Frequency: Regular weekly session

2. Coaching Session Procedure

a. Progress Check (10 minutes)

  • Ask the client to report on the progress they have made on the tasks they were assigned last week.
    • Example: “What did you work on this week? How far did you get?”
  • Ask the client to talk in detail about the tasks they completed and the tasks they didn't get as far as they wanted to.
    • Notes: If there are any issues or obstacles, we will delve into the causes of these, but we will avoid a critical attitude and focus on support and feedback.

b. Identifying issues (5 minutes)

  • Identify the causes of any lack of progress and points for improvement with the client.
    • Example: “What obstacles have you encountered? What can you do to overcome them?”
  • If necessary, provide support in thinking of new approaches and methods.

c. Setting next week's to-dos (10 minutes)

  • Set specific to-dos for each role that you and the client should work on this week.
    • Example: “What are your goals for next week?”, “Which tasks do you feel are the most important?”
  • Set to-dos that are simple, specific, and within your ability to achieve. Try to make a plan that is not too ambitious.

d. Feedback and engagement (5 minutes)

  • Provide feedback on the client's efforts and progress to motivate them for next week.
    • Example: “It's great that you've made it this far!”, “I'm looking forward to the next time we talk.”

3. Points to keep in mind as a task manager

a. Match the pace of the client

  • Set tasks so that the client can proceed within a reasonable range. Be careful not to put too much pressure on them, and respond flexibly to the client's situation.

b. Maintain consistency between goals and to-dos

  • Make sure that the TO DOs you set together are useful for the client's larger goals. Make sure that the client is aware that short-term tasks are connected to long-term goals.

c. Maintaining records

  • Record the client's progress and TO DOs for each session, and refer to them at the next session. This will help you to understand the client's growth and patterns of issues.

d. Setting of executable tasks

  • Tasks are set within the scope that the client can tackle both in terms of time and mental capacity. Excessive tasks can be a cause of demotivation.

e. Flexible response to obstacles

  • When the client is unable to proceed with a task, the cause is investigated together and a flexible response is considered. Rather than forcing the client to proceed, appropriate support is provided.

f. Regular review

  • By monitoring the client's progress and conducting regular reviews, we can help them feel a sense of achievement and make any necessary changes in direction.

4.  The importance of communication

  • In order to build a relationship of trust with the client, we will strive to communicate openly and supportively. We will also provide emotional support and be there for the client when they are feeling anxious or worried.

5. Share result and next steps

*When you are close to achieving the goals and tasks set by the client, you can celebrate your successes together and move smoothly on to the next step. Recognizing small achievements will help to keep the client motivated.

Based on this guide, we will effectively support the progress check and action plan for each client role, and encourage them to achieve their goals. 




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

