Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A monster that eats up time! In the blink of an eye, life is over! What to do about it?



I went to watch this match〜



Being moved and feeling excitement is intense when they come at the same time!





This was WOW too!




It was an awesome time! 

Thank you Mr. Kaneko





Summary: Because people die in the blink of an eye. 

Who is the “monster that eats up time” and how to defeat it?

Mai Sato


We don't face 

death, loneliness, taking responsibility


Things that take courage

Important but bothersome things.

We procrastinate

We spend time doing things that are meaningless


We tend to think of my death as someone else's problem.

We avoid facing it directly.

What we want to be aware of is 

when we are facing death.

Start spending time on what you should be doing now!



Trying to avoid solitude and responsibility.

That's why we procrastinate on big things


Trying to avoid loneliness

We try to fit in with our surroundings


When we try to avoid responsibility

we will end up doing only irresponsible things


Stop procrastinating on important things!








Normalize it!




We will surely die.

We do not know when we will die.


The possibility of doing what we want to do

is disappearing rapidly.


People are lonely by nature.

Pain, suffering → only you can understand


Everything → self-responsibility

Write it down in a memo





It's natural

When you make decisions, 

remember this!




Discover your values!


Past difficult experiences and

what you were immersed in as a child


Difficult experiences

What was the most difficult?

Your greatest difficulty


What did you learn at that time that was important?!


What I was immersed in as a child


What was your passion?

What did you enjoy?


Hints for understanding your values


Specific goal setting!


Visible goals


Decide on 

Daily Do's and 

Daily Don'ts




Do what is necessary for your life!!!







Thank you Daichan for going to Takumen in New York〜




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s