Saturday, June 22, 2024

Increase the sense of presence through affirmations. Co-creation of harmony.


Summer Solstice Prayer

Thank you for joining us.




Let the "Great being" being hind

and the "Great being" behind the other person 

converse with each other. 

Make an offer to co-create harmony

 and then accept the art that is created there. 




Genius Dr. Hideto Tomabechi

"If you increase your sense of presence, 

your reality will change and your dreams and goals will be realized." 

Complete Efficacy full version


Increasing your sense of presence through affirmations




How to Increase what matters

The kind of person I am 

ie) People look up to me with respect 



Talk about your current situation 

in the present tense

in "first person"=about yourself 

with words that carry emotion・・・

(When I achieve my goal "I will be....")


Verbalize it 

using affirmative

first person 

present progressive language 


Move towards what is more efficacious 

and reality will move forward. 








0 1

I have unconditional and warm respect for all people. I express my heartfelt gratitude to those around me on a daily basis. I feel comfortable every day with a rich heart filled with kindness.

0 3

I am always looking at the good things around me and taking action to improve my own and others' effectiveness, so those who are with me are always enjoying days of success.

0 5

I am very creative. I am always aware of opportunities for success. I am comfortable with the fact that my unconscious mind is strongly aware of the opportunities that lead to more and more success.

0 7

I strongly feel my brain activating day by day. I am able to see the world from a higher place every day. I am comfortable that my brain is even more activated and fully engaged in realizing a better world every day.


0 9

People listen to my words. This is because I offer something of value, and I am proud that my every word enriches people's lives.

0 2

I am always looking for the good in people and praising them. I find new good things about myself every day, and every day is fresh and refreshing.

0 4

I continue to show that I live life to the fullest. I think and act with enthusiasm for it. I am glad that many people are starting to live their own lives fully after seeing me.

0 6

All important changes are created in the mind, made real, and spread throughout the world. I truly understand this, and I feel empowered every day to realize that the goals I set are becoming more and more real.

0 8

I am able to see everything that is happening in the world. My brain acquires new knowledge every day and continues to offer my knowledge to important people around the world. I am proud to know that world leaders trust me and feel that the world is being reborn into a more peaceful and livable place.



Our talk live will be on the 27th!



Will you make it?!




Mr. Masumoto!

He will do a lecture in Toyohashi


See details here!




Thank you everyone in Fukuoka. 

I'm looking forward to entering theta brain wave state!

Midnight meetings



This is what I drew that day・・・


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s