Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Did the cherry blossoms start blooming in your city?! I arrived in Malaysia!!!


Did the cherry blossoms start blooming in your city?!

I arrived in Malaysia!

We are all so excited!

Thank you Masayo-san〜〜〜〜




If you take the plunge and try

What's the worst thing that can happen?



What could you lose if you don't take the plunge?



If you take the plunge

what would you do if you knew you would succeed?





Your own strength and the strength of others
If together they add up to 10
If your own strength is 8
Then others strength is 2
If you lower your self-strength to 2, 
the power of others goes to work!



This is a gear to measure your brainwaves. 



I checked my brain waves using this device


Does the suffering brain work hard?!


Or ..when you live with a peaceful mind ...

Which has a higher IQ and is more efficient for our daily lives?

When we enter the alpha brain wave state ・・・

Our IQ goes up.

So it's important to maintain a Beautiful State・・・






I was taught Nakamura Tenpu's

meditation method yesterday by a monk friend of mine!


The sound plays and when the sound disappears

we have entered the zone.






Thank you for your time yesterday

It was brief but I was happy I got to meet〜〜〜

Thank you Kasamura-san! 

She praised me saying that I'm making  

good forward progress〜〜〜




Let's have soba again together!

KOSHI-kun and NIshizawa-san

Thank you!

Grateful to everyone in each region!



We will have a Motivation Switch Talk Live soon! 



Ken Honda's New Book ~~~~!

I was interviewed by SB Creative about "Attraction".




A limited edition set of "New Translation of Law of Attraction" and "New Translation of Money and Law of Attraction" translated by Ken Honda is now on sale!


This is the only set where you can read "My Attraction Story" by 5 Attraction Masters!


The quantity is limited, so don't delay!




Find it here・・・ 

You can also get a small booklet about the Law of Attraction〜!








A friend's exhibition in New York


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s