Tuesday, March 26, 2024

I thought success would be effortless, stable, and require no effort. To know yourself, you need to improve your vitality.

Saw an interesting movie.


On Netflix.

The psychologist's hit a deep chord.





To know ourselves, and to know our Life's Purpose, 

we need to refine our "life force".


There are three things to polish!




・To improve your body

・To improve our relationship with others.

・Improve your relationship with yourself.


↓↓↓↓ How to do this?

・To Improve your body.

Food, sleep, exercise, etc. 

Do things to improve the health of your body


・Improve your relationships with others

 Relationships with others → take the initiative and get involved yourself


・Improve your relationship with yourself

Your relationship with your unconscious → know what is happening.


 Writing on paper→reflects your subconscious




Develop your life force.

Then it enables you to have passion.

Existence of Part X

'Part X' = negative and unsociable

An invisible force that blocks growth/change

Anything that blocks evolution/potential

The villain of life 

Anything that creates instinctive fear


In life...

The following three things will not go away!




・Continuous effort.


No one can avoid these three.

Achieving goals alone will not make you happy.

Learn to love these three things.


The greatest creativity is to 

create something in the face of adversity. 


The greatest strength is

is to expose your weaknesses.

That we need help to move forward


Failure and weakness

Connect you to the world


Shame and difficulty

is what glues us to the universe


They come from the connections we make with others


What is important is

Continuous action

Continuous challenge


We call it a "string of pearls."

Threading the next pearl


Building the habit of taking action, 

regardless of whether it's good or bad


True confidence is

living in uncertainty


A winner is

not the person who made the best decision

A person who can work on the process of decision making.


Work on it. Taking part


If it doesn't work, move on to the next. 

What you should be concerned about is 

not the outcome, 

but that you are stringing the next pearl!


I summarized it in my own words


I thought that I would be free of worry, 

if I succeeded. 

That my suffering would go away. 

That a life of stable days would come. 

That effort would no longer be needed. 





pain and uncertainty

and the need for continuous effort 

will not go away. 

What's important is to keep moving forward, 

regardless of the good or bad of the challenge set before you! 

It's to keep stringing the pearls. 

To do that, 

you need to polish your life force! 

To do that, you need the following 3:

A healthy body

Initiative in interactions with others 

A understanding and relationship with your subconscious. 





They are successful

They look happy

They stand out from the crowd


The you that isn't

The you that is unrewarded

the you that is all alone. 



On each level

Each problem

Each has their own happiness.

When I think of that

I feel relieved.

I feel like, life is fair〜



Business Variety Program by 100 experts 

[24 Hour Live] 3/19 (Tue.) 7:00 p.m. - 


Future Gets 100!

(Abbreviation! Miragetsu 2)





We cut out just your part



I received this〜〜〜



room 703






If you walk the streets of Paris

You will discover all sorts of things.

It is one of the charms of Paris


Started the morning with a croissant and strong coffee・・・

It's interesting to see the start of a luxurious time. 

The number of my favorite cafes keep increasing, 
places I want to come back to again next time. 

We met up with YUMI from noon.

It's sad that I keep putting in work cuz I can do it via zoom. 

I feel irresistible to a big pain chocolat.

Wheat heaven (lol)


Speaking of this morning, this afternoon in Japan.

I had a great zoom session with Ms. Kasamura!

It's rewritten so I only have a faint memory of it.

but I realized that the reason I fill up my schedule, 

is not because I don't want to waste time, 

but because, 

I picked up a believe somewhere along the line that,

if I work so hard I will be loved,

that I'll be forgiven as long as I work hard. 

My face looks refreshed on zoom lol


This body work, it's amazing.

People say I'm quick to change, reweite, and erase, 

and that it blends in easily with me, 

I think it must be because I focus only on the physical sensation.


The language used by the deep and subconscious mind is the physical sensation.

Once you enter into consciousness and thought, 

you enter into the language used by your conscious mind.


Let's look at the contrast in terms of the number of bits.

The subconscious uses 20,000 bits, while the conscious mind uses 140 bits.

Even if you persuade all 140 of the conscious mind through using thoughts, 

if 200 of the subconscious agrees, the subconscious wins.


Use physical sensation to interact with the subconscious.

Try to rewrite the subconscious by feeling the physical sensation.



This song and practice session at Billboard Yokohama!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

