Wednesday, February 21, 2024

FoMo (fear of missing out)→JoMo (joy of missing out)


Katsunori Oobo, a handball player, also watched my YouTube, that makes me so happy~~~!

I would love to meet the softball player, Kumiko Takamatsu too!

Seiryo High School, Mr. Hayashi, former coach, is also great~!

I'm looking forward to meeting him!


Insta-live with unbelievably gorgeous guests!




Tamie-san and Piyo-san will be inviting me to speak with them soon〜

Looking forward to it. 







FOMOi is ・・・


fear of missing outThe fear of being left behind or missing out. Anxiety about not being in constant contact with the vast amount of information one receives via online news, social media, etc.

JOMO is ・・・



joy of missing outThe joy of missing out  To intentionally block out information coming in from online news, social media, etc., and to be free from the tension of being constantly exposed to the latest information and the anxiety of being left behind

A comfortable sense of freedom that it's okay to miss it.

That is JOMO.


In other words, "enjoying intentionally missing out or choosing something else." 


This way of thinking,

frees you from the fear that you might be missing something all the time.

It helps us focus on the present moment and spend time on what is truly meaningful to us.


It gives us room to take a deep breath when we are drowning in a digital sea.

On the other hand,

FOMO, "fear of missing out," .

drives us to unnecessary comparison and competition.


Scrolling through social media, it is easy to see only the shining moments of others and feel as if you are the only one left out.


However, it is easy to forget that this is only a partial truth, that there is a story behind the scenes that not everyone is showing.


This is where theJOMO's aesthetic shines through.

The joy of living at your own unique pace,

The satisfaction that comes from immersing yourself in activities that are valuable to you.

It reminds us to look up from our digital devices and connect deeply with the world before us.


By enjoying a good book, engaging in conversation with a friend, or going for a quiet walk, we can reconnect with ourselves and regain our spiritual peace.


In short, JOMO teaches us that true happiness is something that springs from within, not from without. It is okay to miss it. Living in accordance to the values are yours alone.










Check it out here.





Shuki and Tama, good for you 


Thank you!

What a fun time〜〜〜

Life strategy meetings!


by chance we were all MIKATA!

Thank you!

So much fun〜〜〜

Grateful to everyone in each area!




AI Study Group!

My information was put into AI~.

Thank you, Mr. Fukui!



This is predicting that in 2025 a small asteroid will collide of the shore of the Philippines, creating a tsunami as high as Skytree. After the wave passes, it will be as cold as the ice age. 

What.....really? 〜〜〜



I had the opportunity to sing here. 

Thank you!

Everyone from Ooyama kai〜〜〜

And the keyboard harmonica army...


We decided to learn salsa!

Friends of Azabu Juban Village at midnight!

Miorin from Asahikawa!



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s