Saturday, July 8, 2023

Today was another intense day. Tomorrow is the last day of fasting and recovery food!

Today, I had an UP&UP meeting from early in the morning.

At 8:00 a.m., I joined a business briefing session,

and then had a meeting for "NANATAKU Seminar".

At noon I went to a party at Palace hotel. 

The hotel transformed into a wisteria trellis〜

Flowers have so much potential〜

The food at palace hotel is so good

Thank you!

After the party I headed to Hikaruland, and listened to a lecture by Ishii-san about the lyre!

An instrument born out of the Steiner flow!

It allows contact with the human body and allows one to feel the vibrations~!

Everyone who gathers around the lyre are good people! 

I had such a good time〜

The music room was impressive

There were so many speakers and instruments・・・

And then I headed to Takuya Mizue's publication party!

This 3 shot was so great. 

Him with his wife and mother〜

It was a party that brought joy to everyone!

Then I met up with Mr. Fujimoto and he taught me about this and that 〜

                                        Parties...everyone is so sparkly it's so much fun!

Thank you〜

This is Hideko-san who will be hosting my publication party for my latest book as well!!!


Please join us〜〜

Inoue Sensei〜〜〜


The live talk also blossomed!

Fun time learning with everyone!!!

On the way home, I stopped by to see rabbi who came to Tokyo!



Grateful to everyone in each region!


Thank you!


I sometimes introduce him on this blog.

My friend Hiro (Mr. Koshi Takeda)


He will be holding a free study session,

Why not take this opportunity to learn and study again?



Hiro is a professional in the field of coaching 

using the subconscious mind and

is also a trainer and meditation instructor.

So, please do attend his subconscious study session.

I'm sure you will learn a lot from him!


Here are the details





Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s