Sunday, July 23, 2023

Commemorating the Book's launch in Style


It turned out to be the best book launch party ever〜

                                                              Thank you Hideko-san!

Friends I meet for tea ending up being friends for life too!

Thank you very much!

Everyone is all white!

Thank you for coming all the way from Nara too!

Nana Tanimura came too〜〜〜

Too cute!

Arai sensei

TAKA Endo sensei

Hiromi Wada sensei〜〜〜

                                                         Best wishes to all the winners!

Team Beauty Club!

Mr. Kiryu!

Thank you!

Cocking your head
Lifting your brows 
and raising the corners of your mouth. 



Happy people are good at forgetting. 

And people who are good at forgetting are,

are people who sleep well.

Nightmares are not a deep psychological problem.

It's a problem with the quality of your sleep and the environment in which you sleep.

Sleep is a very complex process.

It is a very complex process and is divided into different stages depending on brain activity and the degree of relaxation of the body and mind.

Sleep is mainly classified into REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep.

REM sleep is the dreaming stage, in which brain activity is increased and body muscles are temporarily paralyzed.

Non-REM sleep, on the other hand, is a deep sleep stage in which the body recovers and recharges.

Shallow sleep tends to increase the percentage of REM sleep.

This means more opportunities for dreaming.

On the other hand, when sleep is deep, the proportion of REM sleep is reduced and the proportion of non-REM sleep is increased, resulting in less frequent dreaming and a tendency to quickly forget dreams.

It is also said that when sleep is shallow, external stimuli and stress are more likely to influence the content of dreams, so if you are under a lot of stress or have an unstable sleep schedule, the content of your dreams may reflect your anxiety and fear, which may increase your nightmares even more

Perhaps you are not mentally burdened because of your nightmares, 

but youd are having nightmares because you are mentally burdened

If you do not get a good night's sleep, you will not be able to recover sufficiently and will carry over the fatigue from the previous day.

In this way, fatigue gradually accumulates, the quality of sleep deteriorates, and you are plagued by nightmares, which is a vicious cycle.

I think your challenge is to review your lifestyle and improve your sleeping environment as soon as possible.

Happy people are good at forgetting.

And people who are good at forgetting are people who sleep well.

But don't worry, I'm not one of those people selling you a luxury down comforter.

Difference between people with social skills and people without social skills

When the WC or WBC becomes a hot topic

so-called "casual fans" increase rapidly, don't you think?

These are the people with social skills.

People are colony-type social creatures that live in groups.

So, not to be excluded, not to be alone...

We are always on the lookout for things to share with our friends.

If there is a popular music, we listen to it and try to match it with what others around us are saying.

If there is a popular movie, I watch it and share my impression with others.

If there is a popular idol, we make our own guesses so that we do not stray from those around us.

This is how people create a place for themselves in their habitat.

Social skills are designed by survival instinct.

When you're about to stray from the pack, the alarm bell in your head goes off.

It is designed to send a signal to the brain saying, 

"If you don't ride this wave, you will be left behind."

This is how they always keep their place in the middle of the mainstream (Main Street).

They have a very social and flexible personality.

They are excellent people who know how to get along with everyone in their own way.

It's sociopaths like us who have a broken sensor that alerts of an emergency bell if we stray from the herd.

We don't care about what music is popular or what movies are making the rounds.

We are socially inept and only interested in what we like.

That's why we always find ourselves separated from the pack

We are forced to live alone.

So the answer is, "I can't help it, I'll just live doing what I like."


It's not because I'm talented that I can live doing what I love. 

It's because I don't have the social skills to live any other way. 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s