Today, I'll talk on Clubhouse from 7:30 am!
Until the 5th.
Everyday! (lol)
Busy Ears ★ by Takumi Yamazaki
Goodbye my tiny self! Enjoy a lifetime of freedom and fun!
Wanna eat snacks! lol
I'll talk with Sawaki-san on the 8th too〜!
Keep them busy and they will have no regrets.
Busy = diligent
No more time to think.
When people are busy, they stop thinking.
No time to think about direction.
The important thing is to have a bird's eye perspective and design
It is not about working hard
Growth period? Decline period?
Is the population growing? = The level of wealth is determined
To take a leap forward in life
you can't waste your time.
Wealth comes from effort?!
It comes from deep thinking!
Yikes. I've been too busy.
This is not good.
I feel bad.
I want to make time to see the bigger picture!
Thank you very much!
The exhibition in Yokohama is over.
Some of you bought my paintings.
Also, we will be selling giclees.
You can receive them at a reasonable price.
I will let you know later,
I will let you know later.
Thank you very much.
just being born in Japan in this age is a massive plus.
Always choose happiness.
Things will become as you think,
It will become as you choose.
COMA-CHI x Japanese Traditional Music
Collaboration CD release & documentary video production

I'll go to your birthday event too〜〜〜
An online community for a monthly fee of 777 yen
Sacchan's seminar from the other day 〜〜〜
A great success〜〜〜
Tiny Wizard Secretariat,
I look forward to working with you.
We interviewed an American high school student who has been accepted to 170 universities and offered a scholarship totaling about 1.2 billion yen.
It's team Murai!!!
From Anaguchi-san
Thank you!
I visited only six places in Japan for the Pillar of Light Project.
Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Sapporo.
Keiko Anaguchi's latest book
Messages from the Holy Land.
Free of charge for those who purchase the book!
If you have purchased "Message from the Holy Land" from a bookstore or online
You will be invited to participate in the event at no charge!
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【Free participation in the Energy of Light Exchange】
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If you purchase at a real bookstore
You will get even more free gifts
Receive power from the Holy Land without purchasing a book now: