DJ AOI-san
This is such a great article!
10人の輪でうまくやっていくスキルより 1対1の関係を10人と築くスキルの方がコミュニケーション能力は高いですよ
The communication skills needed to build one-on-one relationships with 10 people
is higher than the skill to get along with a circle of 10 people.
It is the ability to communicate in small groups that is necessary to form more advanced relationships.
The type of people who are eliminated from relationships are those who flock together.
What is required in society is one-on-one interpersonal skills.
People who flock together are often not good at one-on-one interpersonal relationships.
When they are in a group, they are excited party-people, but when they are alone, they can be like a silent gazelle. They are herd people because they are not good at socializing with others.
On the other hand, people with good communication skills are not good in a crowded community.
Because they have communication skills that make it more enjoyable to talk in private.
So, they are not good in a community where they are only in sync with others in a group.
In the school caste system, being in a group may be better, but in the adult world, the formation is reversed.
But in the adult world, the formation is reversed.
So you don't have to feel inferior.
For example, if you have an audience of 100 people in front of you.
Just as you don't try to talk to 100 people,
No matter how many people are in front of you, the person you are talking to is an individual.
Please be mindful not to lose your one-to-one posture.
Rather than words that appeal to everyone
Use words that appeal to just one person
Words that appeal to only one person will be more memorable than words that appeal to everyone.
So much to learn 〜
One on one is the basic rule.
If you're not good at it, people try to escape to the group.
Even when you're talking one-on-many.
One to one is the basic stance when speaking!
Check out this seminar〜〜
Money power and muscle power!
Tea time in Azabujuban
Alot of fun friends gathered〜!
Get your head in order.
Do it on paper!
What's clear.
What's not clear.
When you get it clear,
it will clear your mind!