This will be available for sale soon〜〜〜
on Takumania
Takumi Yamazaki's daily calandar
↓↓↓Please wait for it〜
What is your greatest fear of being your true self?!
Why you can love something you don't prefer (Bashar)
."Goodbye my little self!" A cure-all book on self-love
"Self-love, simply put, is about living life with the highest regard for oneself."
Ms. Ai Kiriyama
Thank you very much!
Watching this makes me want to go to Albania〜
MLB=Otani 1 hit, Red Sox Yoshida 3 for 3
Nerve Regeneration "Success" with 3D Printer
Clinical trial for patients with hand injury, Kyoto University Hospital
He called me saying that he will be live on Wed April 26 at 9pm!
Please check it out if you're interested!
Ashiya City has its youngest mayor at 26 years old!
Graduated from Nada High School and then Harvard University.