Monday, February 6, 2023

We are "dreamers dreaming in our dreams".



Can you decluttering?

If so, then you've gotta declutter everything! 




We talked about Bashar too〜



February 5th at age 20

My clock started ticking.


Until then, I had

I focused on athletics and

I succeeded in getting into Hiroshima University and

I was ranked 30th in the national 400MH lineup

I was very satisfied with my life.


Then, in February of my sophomore year...

I was about to enter my senior year when 

I was introduced to a man by a friend of mine.


He told me, "He is a successful businessman."

I was intrigued by that phrase and went to see him.

And it grabbed me by the heart. 


The various stories that come out of his mouth

make my heart beat harder.

The future began to light up with a sound.


You can be free.

You can live an exciting life.

You can meet your true self.


At the time, I was hooked on Yoshio Kataoka's novels.

I was excited to have a pathway to the world of his novels.


I even got a feeling of ecstasy from the sense that fantasy and reality were connecting. 

At once, the reality of reality faded away, and my dreams took on more of a sense of reality. I couldn't sleep that night.

The next morning,

as I opened door of the apartment I was living in at the time,

I saw that the ordinary scenery in front of me had changed.


What's happening to me?! I thought.

I felt as if I were the main character in a comic book.

The clock had started ticking.


From that moment on...

I raced through without stopping. 


Once a month, I went back to my parents' house in Mie to recruit friends.

Every time I met them, they told me, "You're growing at a tremendous rate".

I would say, "I got it from you." 

At that time, I was really devoted to "imitating" and learning from others. 

The original word for "learn" was apparently to "imitate".

That's where I began to mimic those that I admired. 


Thirty-seven years passed.

My life has expanded greatly.

The world in my mind has expanded greatly too.


And I am still trying to move forward with "growth" and "contribution" at the forefront. 

Last night I slept so well. 


Randy Taguchi once said,

Sleeping is the easiest way to access the subconscious.


Did I make a promise to my 38th year?!

That night in Melbourne...

I have a feeling it will be meaningful.


I'm on a plane from Melbourne to Sydney right now 


When I arrive in Sydney, 

I will have a tea with the next president of the company.

After that, I will attend a wedding ceremony of my friends.


In the evening

I am adding to the manuscript of my next book, which will be published in March.

Takumi Yamazaki's "The Road Ahead" will be renewed.

Takumi Yamazaki's fans have chosen it as their "No. 1 favorite book."

You will be able to get it again! 



This came out, while I'm in Australia↓↓↓


Aboriginals who have memories of the human origin?!




They existed from 65,000 years ago~~~



They are officially...

The oldest culture on earth?


British colonization

Infectious diseases and epidemics etc 


caused a decrease from 1 million to 70,000

Now increased to 350,000?


What is the hidden culture!?



Does that overturn the African origin theory?


Life is about respect and helping each other!


Rainbow colored snakes!

Dreamtime = a state of altered consciousness

The Deepest Level of Consciousness




In primal dreaming

They can come and go into further states of dreaming 


The world we see

is only a perception

not the real world.


In 1770

Became British territory


↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Aboriginals persecuted




It was fun~!



I was tired and went to bed.


I went to bed early, and thought I would wake up early and work. 

But I ended up sleeping over 8 hours


I guess I was tired... lol


To all the participants

Thank you very much!



Body Sensation Exercises

Feeling Your Emotions

Kasamura Method





登録者3000人突破記念YouTube LIVE#感情 #潜在意識 #ブロック解除  🔹"感情を感じるメソッド"をはじめて実践してくださる皆さまへ「感情を感じるメソッド」のすべてを詰め込んだセミナー動画を販売しております。“感情を感じるメソッド”についての基本的な内容についてはすべてご理解いただける内容となっております。https://yukokasamur...リンク


There's a lot of anger and fear so we must

release it first.


Sadness, pain...

Turn them into a sensory feeling and observe!

Instagram live from 2/11 from 9 pm

2月11日(土)21時~インスタライブインスタライブのお知らせです!感情整体 × 感情メソッド体感workの体験インタビューリンク



Motivation Coaches have gathered〜!!!

My friends at STELLA's concert at the Meiji Kinenkan・・・



Ooyama-san's charity event on April 15th 



大大山会「人は出会いでしか変われない」 大山会とは?元PRIDEの総合格闘家であり、ピーターアーツ、グレイシー一族にも勝利した男「大山峻護」が、20年以上に渡り経営者、プロ選手、タレント、... powered by Peatix : More than a ticket.リンク



江東区豊洲6丁目4−2 | By 大大山会




0:05 / 15:54


He won a Grammy!!!



The award for the Best Global Music Album went to composer/arranger Masanori Takumi, 44, for his album "Sakura" released under the name "Masa Takumi."



Sakura - Masa Takumi feat. Ron Korb & Nadeem Majdalany (65th Grammy nominated song )Sakura (Lead song) is nominated by 65th Grammy®︎ Awards for best Global Music Album !!!! 第65回(2023年度) グラミー賞 最優秀グローバルミュージックアルバムにノミネート !!!!グラミー賞ノミネート・アルバム「Sak...リンク



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s