Monday, February 27, 2023

Body sensation work for Scary dreams too! No longer scary if you look for and feel all the physical sensations.


We need your help!


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Thank you very much for your support.


RYUSO COLLECTION2023 on Instagram: "【RYUSO COLLECTION 2023】 ⁡ Entry No.11 クリスト 茉莉音 @mariyogagram みなさんこんにちは🌺 RYUSO COLLECTION 2023 ファイナリスト30名のSNS審査を 2/20(月)11:00~2/27(月)23:00まで 実施しています✨ ⁡ このSNS審査では投稿への 「いいね」が加点の対象となります! ⁡ また、左下の紙飛行機マークから 投稿の拡散も可能で…1,151 Likes, 40 Comments - RYUSO COLLECTION2023 (@ryuso_collection2023) on Instagram: "【RYUSO COLLECTION 2023】 ⁡ Entry No.11 クリスト 茉莉音 @mariyogagram みなさんこんにちは🌺 RYUSO COLLECTION …リンク

My friend is competing in a miss contest called Ryukoso Collection~.

Please help me support her. 


The contest ends at 23:00 today〜



Thank you for the "likes!" 


Last night

as I was sleeping in my hotel bed

I felt something "scary" and

I jumped up. 


My heart was pounding

My blood pressure was up


But I instantly asked, "Where in my body is this fear?"

and I moved out of the place of fear.

and fell asleep again. 


It was a strange experience.



I feel so empowered now! 




Thank you to all the coaches!



To everyone in the Beauty Club

Kickoff sleepover in Nagoya (proposed)





15:00 Gather at the museum

15:30-17:30 Tour




21:00-22:00 Homeroom



10:00 Gathering

10:30~12:30 Seminar

13:00~14:30 Lunch

15:00 Atsuta Shrine

16:00 Part ways



Be careful!

As Civic Marathons Resume in Various Locations, Runners are Suddenly Collapsing from Cardiopulmonary Arrest

A series of cardiopulmonary arrests of runners at resumed citizen marathons...

Lack of coordination after long time in hibernation (Yomiuri Shimbun Online)





I have fans on

Maui island too〜〜

Thank you so much!

なぜか感じがいい人の かわいい言い方


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s