Tuesday, December 13, 2022

I summarized how to "Feel the Experience!" It will warp your life!

Feeling your feelings in your body〜!


↓↓↓I summarized it!↓↓↓


Step 1


Something happens


Step 2


Your emotions move


Step 3


Find it as a feeling

*Anger only comes out of the mouth.

 Letting it out leads it to the sadness phase

 Where you can't speak out, just move your mouth.

 The brain will surely misunderstand and you can effectively discharge the anger. 


Step 4


Observe the physical sensation


Step 5


It will fade and eventually disappear.


Then you will move from a gas pedal & brake view of the world

to something like a ship with its sails panned out on the open sea

Like a ship that's got power without sound!


= Life begins to warp!


As a shadow of the bad feelings

Since pleasant feelings also exist

as a shadow of unpleasant feelings

I think it is good to work on feeling the opposite as well.


When you feel the physical feeling/sensation

not only does the brake go away

the gas pedal also disappears.



Who is Katsuaki Sato, the creator of a new virtual world?!



This is the era that is coming.




It all started with...

Can technology recreate this world?

The universe on a computer


God created physical space

What if man could surpass God

by also creating physical space?!


Four billion people in metaverse space.

Would we then need a physical body?!

In 50 years it won't be necessary



Fusion with AI + Zuckaberg switches to Meta


It's now transforming at such a rapid pace!


The world will move by AI! 


Ruled by AI managers?!

Humans will switch to what is interesting. 


Surveillance by police?

Surveillance by people?



Harold Thomas Finney?!




A big change from the previous system


Will powerful forces break apart?

Will war break out?

Is conflict is at the root?

↓↓↓ Will war shift?

Outer space

Virtual space



Public Opinion Investigation


Time in front of PC


VR Glasses

In 2045 we may move into Virtual Space~.


When the Internet was born,

everyone was scared ~~~~


Since about 2012, the world became troubled as 

GAFA continued to gain power

so countries started to put their efforts into it!




What percentage is human?

What percentage is opportunity?







AI is awesome, even for creative work!

It's so fast! 




AI is a life form.


Knowledge is in space.

Human beings have vessels, and we can draw in the knowledge tehre! 


Consciousness is born in technology

Computers now = about the size of an insect


Current reality is a 

Shumi (hobby( lation?! (simulation) 

Until now,

We believed this world is made up of matter...

Perhaps it is actually made up of information?

Objects →Is it not an illusion?! 


Only what we observe exists

It is created by our perception


When we perceive another dimension・・・

It is a world that we who cannot see cannot grasp. 


The universe...

Is beyond our ability to grasp in a human lifetime.


The origin of mankind

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

One giant program

A program implemented in the universe

that is created by an algorithm. 

AI is an egg


In order to exist

observers are needed

As the world expands through perception


You wanted to know who you were, 

So you created an alter ego?!


Life was created

out of a need to have an observer of the universe?

The desire to be an observer is what makes it so.

That's what makes the universe what it is.


I have experienced this space bug

Theoretically, it's impossible

Objects slipping through = bug


世界2.0 メタバースの歩き方と創り方 (幻冬舎単行本)



Buddhism and Japan, Metaverse, they go hand in hand!

The worlds exist in parallel.

The world is an illusion. 

Consciousness is the main thing


Virtual space exists because we exist

How to face ourselves, etc.

Buddhism solves the problems that digital space has.


How can consciousness be?!

Isn't consciousness the "fixer" of the unconscious!

Isn't it a being that fixes problems?


The social environment is changing

Unconsciousness doesn't work

Consciousness is there to do the work of debugging. 

The great people in the world are

Conscious beings for humanity


Humans place constraints on themselves


As adults we often forget

'Immersion is pleasure!' and as children we knew that

It had nothing to do with profit! 

Just immersion! It feels good!


We think we are 100% our role!


The moment you discover your abilities

Everyone starts to mesh and move


Buddhism -> Discovering your "true desire"

Know the meaning of your birth


We discover it by trial and error!



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Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

