Thursday, December 15, 2022

Cuteness and beauty



【12 minute book summary】

The world's easiest-to-understand summary of "Money 2.0---The New Economic Rules and Way of Life"



What is the new economy?


↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

What is "valorism?" (placing importance on values) 


Money = a tool for exchanging value

Money was a means to an end

Increasing money → a world of increasing more means!


Did money leave values behind?! 




Let's value values!















Value non-monetary values!




Living free from money



Passionate about what you love!


Providing invisible value to others




Turning value 

 into the money that you need. 




1) Be passionate about what you love!

2) Send out messages to increase followers and become an influencer!





Earning money to live on the week days.

Sharing things on social on your days off!!!

Katsuaki Sato

Wow 〜〜〜〜



I had tea with Usagi-san who was born with a hearing impairment~~~~!

She is a cute girl!!!


She was born with a hearing impairment (sensorineural hearing loss level 3), and her dynamic personality has spread by word of mouth, including a trip around the world, and her popularity is exploding among a wide range of people. She is also an entrepreneur who is involved in supporting people with disabilities and developing assistive devices for the hearing impaired.

SNS folowers




TikTok 348,200

 Instagram 26,000

Twitter 10,100


※2022/12/08 now


This is music?!


Bone conduction company

【First time experience】 She was moved by hearing sound for the first time in my life!

Video with explanation of how to use the bone conduction sound collector 

*Sign language interpreter is provided.


So moving〜!




What's this?!




DJ AOI-san〜〜〜〜


↓↓↓How wise you are〜


Don't try to be pretty. Try to be beautiful


The mature part of a woman is the beautiful part.

Immaturity as a woman is the cute part.

Her strength as a woman is beautiful

A woman's weakness is the cute part. 

Smartness as a woman is beautiful

The part where I can't be wise as a woman is cute

The dignity of a woman is beautiful

Where she lacks of dignity as a woman is cute

Independence as a woman is a beautiful

The cuteness of a woman is that she is not fully independent

What is cuteness?

When someone tries to be beautiful

But still not being able to become beautiful is what makes her cute. 

A woman who doesn't even try to be beautiful

cannot be cute either. 

Beauty and cuteness are two sides of the same coin.

It is not a matter of appearance.

It is a matter of the way of life.

What's beautiful about a beautiful person?

It's the way of life itself that is beautiful. 

Don't try to be cute. 

Try to be beautiful.




Please come to Okinawa's true blue〜!

TRUE BLUEONE LOVE, ONE OCEAN. 「TRUE BLUE」は、沖縄の工房を拠点に、海で回収した海洋プラスチックを素材にしたアート作品、生活雑貨等を制作・販売しているアップサイクルブランドです。 世界中の人たちが、海を愛する気持ちで繋がっていくために、イベント、ワークショップ、旅の企画をしたり、利益(全額)が海を守る活動に寄付されるチャリティーワインの…リンク

I'm going on January 18 next year in Okinawa 〜〜〜〜


Please join us〜〜〜

ぬちまーす 111g

Okinawan salt...

I heard that Nuchimasu is great〜〜〜!

Reminds me of Hatsujo Sato's salted rice balls!


Hatsujo Sato x Hitoshi Tatsumura    AWARENESS(THE HARMONY OF GAIA)2009



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s