Friday, October 21, 2022

You spend the best time of your life, of your day, at your place of work. How do you want to be?

I heard Takaaki Higuchi speak at a study session this morning.

@Ethical Corporation Association in Kasumigaseki


Chiyoda Ward Mayor


During his time in sales. 

What I learned from my seniors changed my life


Expose yourself (bare yourself)

Discuss honestly

Be sincere

Be straightforward

"Do you have a problem with anything?"

How can you help?

Listen to what someone has to say


Formulate a hypothesis about the problem


Read books and other materials

and go to meet the authors


Was the hypothesis correct?!

Provide feedback to the people involved


Don't make yourself look big

Talk while looking people in the eye!


Chiyoda Wards

night population is

67,000 people

but during the day time, 

it's 850,000 people


The two major themes are

・Digitalization DX

・Going Green, decarbonized


Individuals live with one tablet.

Why can't we?


Public officials

Many people think that mistakes are not allowed

How about yourself as a citizen of the ward? !


The best time of your life

The best time of the day

I spend at my place of work.

How do you want to be?!


DX means




can receive service in a way that suits them. 


Working generations are experiencing the most difficulties


Zero carbon / decarbonization

Rural areas and Tokyo tend to be at odds with each other

Have sister regional cities generate and transmit power



Life-centered reform


Yesterday I had a chance to view Yukari Yamada's work. 



Thank you!

Mr. Shungo Oyama!

Mr. Taketomo Hamada!

Thank you very much.


Mr. Taketomo Hamada

Born and raised in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. After returning to Japan, he started his own business in Japan when he was in college and expanded his business to include Japanese-style agriculture, trade, and mutual exchange events with the Middle East and Asian regions. Later, he started his own business in Japan, managing artists and athletes. He launched a division specializing in "fragrance" under the slogan of "turning talent into business," and developed a space fragrance and scent marketing business. In addition to scenting the spaces of many five-star hotels, high-end brands, and restaurants, the company has also partnered with many influencers to brand their products using scent. 

In 2018, he launched IZUMI KAN, a lifestyle brand of fragrance, and continues to propose various new fragrance products under the themes of clothing, food, and housing.



Tonight we all talked about "bees" and "curry"・・・


The suggestion we received there, "Azabu honey"・・・

Well ...

Can we start next spring? (lol)


In Tsu City...

I love the honey buns in Tsu City

蜂蜜まん本舗 (はちみつまん) - 津新町/和菓子 - 食べログ


When the honey bees disappear, 

it will cause half the vegetables in the supermarket to disappear?!



The power of Time Waver・・・

I was so moved. 

Tamie, has been working so long, and so she declared that she won't be taking any new clients?! 

Current clients can continue! 


Thank goodness〜〜〜


Okayama the other day was fun too〜


Thank you

The after party also had a great mature mood, and many candid confessions〜

Until next time〜〜〜



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s