Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Anger, joy, thought, sorrow, sadness, fear, surprise, the seven emotions are all a part of the "self". The opposite of "irritable people" are "people who go at their own pace."

Nagoya was fun too!

I'm going to bed now and will get up early tomorrow morning〜〜〜! 

I laughed so much! 

 I bumped into a classmate from high school! 

I received a photo from those times! 

Reviving memories〜〜〜

Grateful to everyone in each region〜〜



DJ AOI. Thank you so much! 




Don't force a smile



For example, when you are in a mental meltdown to the point where you can't move anymore.

Even if you hear a refreshing cheerful song,

instead of being empowered, it just sounds like a grating and unpleasant noise.

When you are on the verge of a mental explosion due to anger and frustration

When you listen to love and peace music that wishes for peace

Instead of being inspired, it makes you want to throw your headphones against the wall.

And no matter how much I like the music

music that has no affinity with my current state of mind, is nothing but noise. 

When I'm mentally down, melancholy, downer-type music sinks in.

When I'm frustrated, I resonate with hard music like two-bass, pounding steel. 

That may not be the same as the feeling of "fun", but

By listening to something that has an affinity with my heart

I get a pleasant sensatio of purification of the negative feelings inside of me, 

and I feel it is only  from there that I can turn it into something positive. 

This is especially true of positive people.

They tend to only accept feelings of "enjoyment."

They refuse to have negative feelings such as sadness, frustration, or anger.

It's a psychology that tries to deny that such feelings exist within us.

Hence, they try to listen to happy music even when they are sad, or they try to listen to loving music even when they are pissed off.

When you are angry, you try to listen to love & peace music.

They try to laugh even though they want to cry

They try to force themselves to smile even when they feel like collapsing from the pain

They altogether reject their negative self. 

It would be nice if doing that made your emotions more "enjoyable" 

But unfortunately, people's negative emotions are not stupid enough to be fooled by such tricks.

Negative emotions that are forbidden to come out are not purified, 

but only become bloated and run through the body.

As a result, the mind and body become disconnected, the balance between body and mind collapses, and many people become ill.

To be honest, I think "trying to smile" is f*cked up. 

I want to cry when I feel like crying, and when I am frustrated, I want to look frustrated.

When I'm peeved, I want my face to show it, and when I'm pissed off, I want to make my eyes look fierce and glare at them in the shape of a demon.

And of course, when I'm having fun, I want to laugh as hard as I can, as if I'm on some bad medicine.

I believe that accepting negative feelings without rejecting them, 

and accepting that "this is me too" will allow for the day to come when I can laugh from the bottom of my heart again. 

Anger, joy, thought, sorrow, sadness, fear, surprise, the seven emotions are all a part of the "self".


Rejecting even negative emotions is a denial of yourself.

Don't try to smile, but try to express yourself.

That's what it means to "be yourself."

A fake smile is just creepy.

You can't trust a smile from someone who is trying to smile.

Be someone whose smile is trustworthy.






Characteristics of people who are irritable





<Characteristics of people who are irritable>

・They read the room too much and is always controlled by it. 

・Because they don't know how to live their own life, they tend to conform to someone else's way of life.


・When they have free time, they don't know what to do and get anxious in a mysterious way.


・They  listen to others, but never says what they want to say.


・Good at enduring but not at putting in the effort. 


・They are cooperative but have no sense of self.


 ・They accumulate much stress as much as they can, and have a habit of giving up everything and resetting themselves when they reach their limits.


・They are always worried about how they look to others. 

・They always assume the worst case scenario.


・They remember details but tends to forget important things.

The opposite of a "irritable person" is a person who "lives at their own pace." 

So what do people who live at their own pace have, that irritable people do not? 

The answer is "self." 

Because they don't have self, all they care about is other people.

They live their lives in accordance with others, and gradually become stressed and irritable.

People who live at their own pace don't care much about others. 

They do not expect too much from others.

It's our expectations of others that makes use frustrated 

The problem is that we expect too much of others and they become the subject.

If you have the absolute subjectivity of "self"

You don't have to expect anything from anyone else, 

and you can split it off in a second and say, "I see, that's how it is." 

Instead of adapting to others, adapt to yourself

Have expectations of yourself, not of others

Don't just listen to other people's moods, but value your own mood. 

Don't just read the air/room, but create an atmosphere that makes you feel comfortable.

You just have to get the gist of it so that others don't control you, 

and the rest of the time you can be free to live your life as you please.



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s