Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Importance of being observant and "praising” the person when he/she shows "signs" of going in the direction you want to invite him/her to go.


Our interview with 

Mental trainer Hana-chan, 

of Shimonoseki International Team 

There was so much to learn! 

While it is said that it is the age of Air 

seeing the profile of this coach who is facing the children of today, 

while keeping the important parts, 

his consideration and position

and his point of view was fascinating. 


When someone shows signs of going in the direction you want to take them, 

he said it's so important to cheer them on, and encourage them! 

I felt the wonderful relationship of trust between the coach and the players!




I wanna eat Niigata ramen


Next time you are in Tokyo

let's do a tour to try Niigata ramen!! 


Would you like to join us?



September 6th LUNCH RAMEN!!


Back fat Niboshi Chinese Soba Ramen

GABUSHARA @ Hatsudai (Tokyo, Shibuya ward) 


Let's go here!

Let's meet at 11:20am!


All those who can, see you there~~!





Yamagata City Falls from Japan's No. 1 in Ramen Spending for Eight Consecutive Years

Yamagata City's plan to regain the top spot begins (Yomiuri Shimbun Online) 


【東京で味わう地方グルメ】新潟三大ラーメンの1つ「青島ラーメン」を堪能しよう!東京・秋葉原の「青島食堂」もはや国民食の1つと言ってもいいほどのラーメンは、その土地の風土や文化に育まれ独自の発展を遂げているため、日本全国の様々な場所に様々なラーメンが存在している。 あまり知られていないのだが、北陸の新潟県に「新潟ラーメン」という寒い地方ならではのラーメンがある。 その中でも新潟三大ラーメンと言われるのが、濃厚トンコツが鬼脂ともよばれる超ド級のコッテリを味わえる…リンクgotrip.jp

Store   Aoshima Shokudo @ Akihabara  
Address: 3-20-1 Kandasakumacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Open hours 11:00~18:00
Day off: Tuesday 
HP http://www.aoshima-ramen.co.jp/



背脂たっぷり!新潟・燕三条系ラーメンが食べられる都内3店 | いまをアルク新潟県の燕市や三条市エリアのご当地ラーメン「燕三条系」。煮干しベースのスープにたっぷりの背脂、極太麺に刻みタマネギが特徴で、濃厚な味わいなのにスルスルと食べられちゃうと、最近は都内でも人気が高まっているラーメンです。今回は、東京都内で食べらリンクimawo.alc.co.jp




A Conversation with Hiromi Wada, "The Secret to Being Loved by Fans and Continued Success"





Would love to do a fan meeting! 

Can someone please host it for us〜?



↓↓↓STAFF: Ban↓↓↓





I wanna go〜〜〜

I love puffer fish!!!



We are pleased to announce the opening of a restaurant specializing in yakifugu (grilled puffer fish) on August 29.


Osaka Yakifugu no Kai "Nishitenma"


The concept is

Our fugu cuisine, which until now has only been available to our members, is one of our specialties. We want everyone, even non-members, to be able to enjoy one of our specialties, yakifugu, in a casual manner.


We are a restaurant where you can grill and eat Yakifugu by yourself, just like a barbecue.

Equipped with a smokeless roaster🔥.


We hope to see you there! 


Our address is

Hiroya Bldg. 1F, 4-2-13 Nishitenma, Kita-ku, Osaka City

TEL: +81-(0)803-33101537


Business hours

16:00-23:00 (L.O. 22:30)





Todays Itsuki Hiroshi's Yukata Dinner Show was fun wasn't it. 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

