Saturday, July 16, 2022

When you read, act! When you learn, act! After all, whether or not you can take action?!That's the deciding factor.

Afterall, it's about whether or not you can take action.

That's the deciding factor! 

If you only grasp 3 points from 

1 book, 

and take action one point. 




Read the book, take the action!

When you learn, take the action!

How to Read All the Books in the Library?

The One Thing You Must Have Before Speed-Reading, Speed-Learning, and Speed-Studying




Write out what you need to do on paper! 




When will you do it?!

Imagine how much time it will take and schedule it! 

Were you able to take the action?

Were you able to implement it?



Today filmed for YouTube!

Inuzuka (far right), who is also helping Takumania with the design.


Today, everyone who participated in the event

We went to a Chinese restaurant "Eishin" in Azabu-juban.

I love the "Gomoku Soba" here〜〜




I'm gonna join this〜

月刊 関口満紀枝月刊 関口満紀枝 - 「いいね!」359件 - 女の面白さ をひたすら追求する 歌とダンスと演劇ごった煮パフォーマンス! それが『月刊 関口満紀枝』だ! ・パフォーマー・シンガー 関口満紀枝 ・構成作家 近藤ともこリンク



Video from 10 years ago〜



Makoto Shinkai's latest work released "The Sparrow's Doorstep" 

Trailer released, as well as the voice of the heroine, Suzume! 

新海誠の最新作「すずめの戸締まり」予告映像公開!ヒロイン・すずめの声も解禁 - LINE NEWS新海誠が原作・監督・脚本を務める劇場アニメ「すずめの戸締まり」の予告映像と、ヒロイン・すずめの新カットが公開された。予告映像では、4月に解禁された特報映像でも話題となっていた本作の4リンク




Heavy Rains in Kyushu!!!
Please be careful!


Clinics flood with outpatients with fever. 

Persons receiving medical treatment at home 

in the metropolitan area has tripled in the past 10 days 

Fever outpatient clinics flooded with patients.

Tokyo's homebound tripled in 10 days...

"We've entered the 7th wave" 

発熱外来に患者殺到、都内の自宅療養者は10日間で3倍…「第7波に突入してしまった」(読売新聞オンライン)新型コロナウイルスの感染の急拡大で、感染疑いのある人を検査・診療する発熱外来に患者が殺到している。自宅療養者も急増しており、保健所は態勢強化を急いでいる。 「こリンク


5% off at supermarkets and 40% off for bullet trains 

20 ways to benefit through "shopping" and "traveling" 




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s