Friday, July 8, 2022

Start toward your dream today! Dreams are not meant to be fulfilled, they are meant to be started!

Start on your dream today!


Someday if such-and-such becomes such-and-such, I'll get such-and-such. 

Are you sure your dreams are not conditional? 

Start on the dream you truly want to achieve!


When you start toward your dream

You will come to know and 

come to notice many things.


When I become rich, I want to open a cafe.

Why not start serving a "Lunch plate, cake with coffee, limited to 4 people" on Sundays? 


And then, you may find・・・

"It's so much fun! Now I want to try 00!" Or...

"I want to start catering on business trips next time!" or...

"I found out that I don't like preparing food as much as I thought."

"We need more staff! I'm spending too much money!"

You'll find out a lot!


"Once I'm successful, I'm going on a trip with my friends!" Start that small-scale!

On your next vacation, take a small trip!

Go to a nearby bathhouse and have a "pseudo spa experience tour"...


I'm going to drive a BMW when I get the money! 

If that'S you,  "Go for a test drive on Sunday!"


"I'm going to live in a stylish room when I have enough money!" 

If you want to live in a stylish room

Rent a stylish room via Airbnb for two nights! 

Or, use today to spruce up the kitchen in your current room! 

Nothing begins until you get started! 



Congratulations TORI-TORI and ERI-ERI

It was a happy time with everyone so excited! 

Pe-po-pa is also bursting into life! lol 

This is how the photo turned out the other day



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We'll have this too〜〜〜



The Heart Sutra




Those who have interest in spirituality and those who don't 


・People who think it's bogus

・This world =Is a world of unknowns. 


 Through religion, physics, brain science, etc.

 we have tried to understand this world. 

When we do, it creates a big difference in the amount of curiosity 

and the amount of information we can take in! 




7% of the population (500 million people) 



Mahayana Buddhism (for the people)

The Heart Sutra


262 characters




Kukai said

"The Heart Sutra is the esoteric scripture."


It is a great cause.

It can lead us to Nirvana!

Did Buddha write it?

We don't know who wrote it.




4th-5th century

1000 years after Buddha's death


2nd century Dragon tree


Influenced by the concept of "emptiness




Did Buddha write this?

We don't know who wrote it.




4th to 5th century

1000 years after Buddha's death


2nd century 


Influenced by the concept of "emptiness"




The Māyāna of the Māyāna Wonders


This teaching also has no reality

That's also a wonder, isn't it?


Prajna = wisdom


Sanskrit pronunciation with Kanji characters



The five skandhas


・Color   - matter, and other things that can be recognized

・Receiving - the sensation of receiving

・Thought (Sou) - the image that is reflected in the brain

・Actions--those that produce karma or karma caused by actions.

・Weaving - perception, experience, and knowledge.


↓↓↓The essence of everything is



(meaning there is no reality)


While made of the five skandhas

there is no such thing as "I" 


About the heart

Hakuin said, "It was a mistake to name it heart."


Heart→Heart feels as if it has reality.

Color →Matter also has no reality.


Emptiness is everything in the world.

Emptiness is color


In the world of elementary particles, it is normal. 

Existence and non-existence can exist at the same time

Schrodinger's cat


In the sense that human beings are alive

It's the same now as in the past.


Why are we alive?

What is this suffering?


Recognition of the world


The universe, the solar system, the earth...

Organs, cells, molecules, atoms...into the world of subatomic particles


The size of subatomic particles is zero.


Even though they exist in this world

The smallest unit is 0

Double slit


Time and space are not the world of elementary particles

Quantum entanglement


It's incomprehensible


From the 11th dimension we can see it!


There is a visible world and an invisible world


Are we just projecting what you can't see 

onto the world you can see?


Dark Matter

= Isn't the universe a big mess?


Matter is 5%.

The rest is dark matter & dark energy?


Dr. Sheldon Grashow

Smallest world = largest world


The snake that swallows its tail

= Study of subatomic particles reveals the universe


Cloning with a single DNA

One subatomic particle to Big Bang →Universe



From a single subatomic particle to the universe

This world is made of auspiciousness


Life is made up of karma


All things are impermanent


Continuously changing in flux


Born and gone by temporary karma


There is no self, there is no law, and there is no law

I do not exist


I exist by the connection of the world's karma

I exist because of the world


The whirlpools of the ocean have no reality

The whirlpool just happened to be there

Your father and mother had fathers and mothers

20 generations ago -> 1 million people

30 generations ago -> 2.1 billion people

All beings(chimps, gorillas too...)


They are temporary beings

As well as eternal beings

There is no time and space


They are made by fate

So live for the sake of others


Change what you've done!






Full text of the Heart Sutra and its commentary

The "Emptiness" Thought that Makes the Mind Easier to Know


The Heart Sutra  consists of  4 main parts. 


The first part begins with a scene in which Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara explains his teachings to Shariputra, a disciple of the Buddha.


The second part is a scene in which Avalokitesvara explains the idea of "emptiness" while calling out to Shariputra.


The third part is a further exploration of the idea of emptiness.


In the fourth part, the mantra itself, a mystical and special word, is chanted.


In Osaka, "Rice" and "Okonomiyaki" come as a set! 

Then you become like this!(lol)



LINE video call cut up while I was in the bullet train! 

So sorry〜〜〜〜

Good for you Take, getting to be so active near Mr. Kaoru! 

A nurse on weekdays and a soba maker on weekends...

The driving force is the "appreciation for people" learned from her grandfather who was a Japanese confectioner.

特集 | 平日は看護師・週末そば職人の「二足の草鞋」…原動力は和菓子職人だった祖父から学んだ「人への感謝」リンク


I met someone awesome〜〜〜

I'll visit soon〜〜〜


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s