Tuesday, June 21, 2022

What does your spirit say? Ask your intuition!

She's been teaching about intuition for over 30 years





will guide you where there is no information from your 5 senses. 

It's the door to the real you! 

It's your superpower! 



You can learn to quiet the noise in your brain, 

Make speedy decisions

Stronger relationships and attract the people and flow to you. 

Greater energy and joy! 



It's will help you in becoming your best you! 


・head brain  ・・・rational mind

・heart brain・・・the first brain?! 

・gut brain ・・・protects you


Intuition=the language of energy 

Name it and claim it! 

If you don't talk about it, you don't validate it. 

Give your intuition a name 


4 decisions

1)Be open. Turn your receiver on! 

2)Expect that it will guide you. There is information and messages all around you. 

3)Believe it. Don't doubt the messages that come to you. 

4)Decide that you will take action. 


Give you intuition a name. 

Carl Yung had a name for his intuition. 


Mine was "TAMENI-san" 

Also give your ego a name (Ego=your barking pet) 

I named mine "Unagi inu" 




Breathe in and out deeply. 

Use your breath to quiet your mind. 

And then ask your intuition! 


Breathe in, look outward, breathe out 

Breathe in, look inward, breathe out 

Breathe in from your feet to your heart. 

Open your mouth and breathe out with a sound. 

As your super self. 

It's connected with the Universe. 





Play the "i wonder" game! 




to the question 

I wonder?!

Practice being okay with there being no answer. 

Stop limiting your answers. 

Just answer, 

i wonder...〜♪

Practice that. 

Be okay with anything happening 

Whatever happens is good preparation 


Leave the door to the future open! 


Your intuition ・・・


1)Does not have to be right

2)Be okay with being wrong

3)Don't try to confirm with others. 


The go wants to confirm and find out the answer. 

Leonardo DaVinci had his disciples wonder about 100 things a day! 


Example)I wonder how this is possible〜

  I wonder how many people are doing this〜

  I wonder who is thinking of this menu 〜


Thank you Meg



I'm going to Saga!!


Will post the details soon!



Today I studied about money!

With two singers, it was so much fun! 









Thank you for the OMIYAGE

This is the illustration that AI-san gave to Hanami-san!!!



Tea with my senior from my local area!



He's really so intersting〜〜〜〜


I went to TOCHIGI〜〜〜




Also experienced Sano Ramen!!!


Of course I had some Gyoza too

And even potato fries!

Have you heard of this?!

Thank you everyone! 

It was fun〜〜〜〜

I met the artist "LAPI" who made our 

new release, a beckoning cat on a snapper♪

There's this too〜〜〜

Souffle pancake was delicious!




Coaches gathered in Osaka〜〜〜



Had UP&UP's group consulting today! 

With UP&UP


you can get this service for a monthly fee of 777 yen 



・Unlimited seminars from a variety of speakers

・Weekly Q&A group consultations


↓↓↓Subscribe here↓↓↓






Ambassador "Cute Way of Saying Things" 



We are looking forward to seeing you there! 

We'll be doing multiple events too! 



Friends in Brazil gathered! 

Lots going on in Chiba too!


Thank you so much Ito-san! 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

