Saturday, June 25, 2022

Did "you" really make that decision? Does that mean "the future is predetermined?" Let's ask Mr. Yazawa!


If humans don't have free will 

does that mean that "the future is predetermined?!" 


Quantum mechanics says...

Time doesn't exist?!


If you don't know what a movie is, 

telling them that "The future is predetermined!" 

 wouldn't be disappointing, lol. 

It doesn't matter if it's already decided.

Let's have fun! (laughs)


Soccer game.

To watch it knowing the result

or watching it without knowing the result?

Which do you like better? (lol)

The major meaning and value of why people "prefer live" is

is because they "don't know the result."


It's not based on whether it is "predetermined" or not. 



Do humans really have free will?

Did you really make that decision? 【The Eye of Truth】


I'm fine, but I wonder what YAZAWA would say? 

『矢沢永吉さんの名言 「俺はいいけどYAZAWAがなんて言うかな?」』俺はいいけどYAZAWAがなんて言うかな?今年最後にご紹介するのはこの1年間で私が最も感動した名言。名言オブザイヤー2019本田賞です。選ばれたのは、日本を代…リンク



This person's blog explains it clearly!




When Mr. Yazawa was traveling around the country for an event. 




The staff made a mistake 

the suite for Mr. Yazawa was not reserved.



When a staff member fearfully told this to Mr. Yazawa

he reportedly replied with the following line.







"It's not like there's no rooms, so don't worry about it! I don't mind. I'm fine, but what would YAZAWA say?"



The story is that the suite was prepared immediately after this.



How cool is that…




In Mr. Yazawa's mind, 

2 personalities coexist. 



The first is 

human・Eikichi Yazawa. 

Or should we say the 

personality that originally existed. 


the other is 





As he rose to fame  he had 



The personality that he himself created 


or the 


ideal image that his fans believed him to be. 


In other words that would  mean that 


Eikichi Yazawa was acting as YAZAWA

I think what he meant was 

"Eikichi Yazawa as a person doesn't have to be in a suite, 

but I want you to rethink whether or not you will ruin the image of YAZAWA as a rock star."




I have the deepest heartfelt respect for Yazawa who was able to 


continue to play himself to the best of his ability as expected by those around him. 




Such wise words.


I don't mind, 

but what would YAZAWA say? 






However, is this




something that can only 

be said by Yazawa 



Myself with friends.


Myself with my family.


Myself with people I like.


Myself with people I don't like.

Not that you're a people pleaser, 


But naturally, depending on who you are with

we change our language and facial expressions. 



In the case of Yazawa, the ratio as 




The him who is being watched by fans 




The him who is conscious of  how he is seen 






 is extremely large.


What should YAZAWA do for the fans?


What do fans want from YAZAWA?







If we, ordinary people, were to compare it


the easiest way to understand is




The you when are you are at the company





What should I do for the company? 


What do the customers want from me?




Just as we have a "work brain."

Yazawa-san also has a "YAZAWA brain".



Those who do, do.

Those who don't, don't.



There are two kinds of people.

Those who do what they want to do and those who don't.

In my life, I have done what I wanted to do.

I've had my share of pain.

I have been shamed a lot.

If I had listened to what someone said,

I might have had it much easier than I do now.

But I can say this,

Life is definitely more interesting when you do what you want to do.

I plan to continue doing so. 

What about you?



BTS's RM、sudden marriage?!


Refuting  that "The theory raised by YouTuber's about infatuation is not true."



New "Kaguya-sama" anime to be produced 





Gachapin, goes to the South Pole for the first time. 






U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Recognize Constitutionality of Abortion Rights 

A woman's right to abortion is no longer guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution in the United States.

米連邦最高裁、人工中絶権の合憲性認めず 重要判決を半世紀ぶりに覆す - LINE NEWS米連邦最高裁は24日、アメリカで長年、女性の中絶権を合憲としてきた1973年の「ロー対ウェイド」判決を覆す判断を示した。この判決を受けて、アメリカでは女性の中絶権が合衆国憲法で保障されなリンク



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s