Information from Mr. Ita
💬All of these 103 phrases are so good. I wish I knew them from when I was younger, but they are all still wisdom that I'd like to know now too (worth saving _φ(・_・)
🔗「WIRED」co-founder Kevin Kelly reflects on turning 70.
"103 Drops of Wisdom I wish I had known when I was younger"
・There is a 99% probability that NOW is the time!
・No one is more impressed with the things you have than you are.
. Never work for someone you don't want to be.
. Raise 12 people who like you; it is more valuable to have 12 people who like you than to be liked by 12 million people!
. Don't make the same mistakes again, make new ones.
・If you listen to a musician or street performer for more than a minute, you owe them a dollar.
・...anything you say before the word "but" doesn't count!
・When you forgive others, you may not realize it, but it will heal you. Forgiveness is not something you do for others, but a gift to yourself!
・Courtesy costs nothing. When you use the restroom, put the toilet seat down. In an elevator, let the passenger off first before you get on. Put shopping carts back in their place. When borrowing something, return it in a cleaner condition than when you borrowed it.
・When there is an argument between two parties, seek a third party.
.Efficiency is highly overrated and slacking off is highly underrated. Regular rest, long vacations, aimless walks, and time off are essential for the best performance of any kind. The best work ethic requires a good rest ethic.
・When you are a leader, your real job is not to create more followers, but to create more leaders!
. Criticize in private, praise in public.
. The lessons of life are presented to you in the order you need them. Everything you need to learn that lesson is within you. When you feel you have truly learned the lesson, the next lesson will be presented to you. The fact that you are alive means that there are still lessons to be learned!
. It is the student's duty to get everything out of the teacher and the teacher's duty to get everything out of the student!
.If winning the game becomes too important, change the rules to make it more fun. Sometimes changing the rules becomes a new game!
.If you ask your funders for money, they will give you advice. Ask for advice and they will give you money.
.Productivity is often a distraction. Don't aim for better ways to get tasks done as quickly as possible, rather aim for better tasks that you never want to stop doing!
・Pay your vendors, workers, and contractors what you owe them immediately. That way they will choose you first the next time they work for you!
・The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that we don't need to write it down because we will remember.
・Whether or not you have grown as a rational person is revealed by whether or not you dare to have an uncomfortable conversation.
・Speak confidently as if you are right and listen attentively as if you are wrong.
・Trivia: Your height is the distance between your fingers when your arms are fully extended at shoulder height.
・Consistency of effort (exercise, companionship, work) is more important than quantity. Nothing beats the little things you do every day, and they are much more important than the occasional things you do!
・Making art is not selfish. If you don't do what you are supposed to do, you are deceiving those around you.
・Never ask a woman if she is pregnant. If she is, let her tell you.
・3 things you need: the ability to not give up until it works, the ability to give up when things don't work, and trust in others to help you distinguish between the two.
・When you speak in public, pause frequently. Pause before you say something new, pause after you say something you think is important, pause after you say something you think is important, pause to relieve yourself to allow your audience to absorb the details, etc.
・You will never be on time. You can either be late or leave early. It's your choice.
・Ask anyone you admire. Their good fortune lies in taking detours from their main goal. So embrace the detour. Life is not a straight line for everyone!
・The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is to post an obviously wrong answer and wait for someone to correct you!
・You will get 10 times better results from praising good behavior than punishing bad behavior, especially in the case of children and animals!
・Take as much time to create the subject line of your email as you do the body of the email. This is because most people only read the subject line!
∙ Don't wait for the storm to pass; dance in the rain!
・When checking a job seeker's references, the original employer may be reluctant or even forbidden to say anything negative. So, leave or send a message saying, "If you strongly recommend this job seeker as superb, please reply." If you do not receive a reply, take it as a negative!
・Use a password manager. It's safer, easier, and better!
・Half of the education you learn is learning what you can ignore.
∙ The advantage of ridiculously ambitious goals is that they set the bar very high. Even if you fail, in the eyes of the average person it may be a success!
∙ A great way to understand yourself is to take a serious look back at all the frustration you feel with others!
∙ In a hotel room, keep all your belongings in one place where you can see them, not in a drawer. That way, you won't forget anything. If you need to put something aside, like a charger, put two other large items next to it. You are less likely to forget three things than you are to forget one!
∙ It is rude to deny or brush off compliments. Accept compliments with gratitude, even if you don't think they are deserved.
∙ Be sure to read the plaque next to the monument.
. When you have achieved a certain degree of success, you may feel that you are a fraud. You may think, "Who am I fooling?" But if you have created something that only you can do with your unique talents and experience, then you are definitely not a fraud. It is your destiny. It is your duty to work on what only you can do!
. What you do on a bad day is more important than what you do on a good day.
. Make something good for people to have.
. If you open even a small amount of paint, it will always get on your clothes, no matter how careful you are. Dress accordingly.
・To help young children behave on car trips, put their favorite candies in a bag and throw one out the window every time they misbehave.
・You can't get smart people to work hard just for money.
・When people don't know how much to pay for a job, I ask them what's fair, and they usually say, "Business as usual."
・Ninety percent of everything is crap. If you think you don't like opera, romance novels, TikTok, country music, vegan food, or NFTs, keep trying and see if you can find the other 10%. Those are not crap.
・You will be judged by those around you by how well you do for those who do nothing for you!
・We tend to overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade... If you take ten years, you can accomplish miraculous things. In the long run, it's the little things that add up to overcome the big mistakes!
∙ Be thankful for the teachers who changed your life.
∙ You can't convince others of something you are not convinced of.
∙ Your best job is a job you were never cut out to grow into.
∙ Buy used books. The written word is the same as the new. So is the library.
∙ You can be anything you want to be, so be the one who ends the meeting early.
・A wise man said. 'Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates. At the first gate, ask yourself, "Is it true? At the second gate, "Is it necessary?" At the third gate, ask yourself, 'Is it kind?"
・Use the stairs.
・The amount you actually pay for something will ultimately be twice the amount of the planning phase. It will cost you energy, time, money for setup, maintenance, repairs, disposal, etc.
・When you get to your room at the hotel, check the location of the emergency exits, it only takes a minute.
・The only productive answer to the question, "What should I do now?" is to first address the question, "Who should I become?”
・Sustaining above-average returns over an above-average period of time produces extraordinary results.
・It is thrilling to be very polite to rude strangers!
. A less intelligent person who can communicate well is likely to do much better than a super smart person who cannot communicate well. It is much easier to improve communication skills than it is to improve intelligence!
・Being fooled once in a while is a small price to pay for doing your best for everyone.
・Art is whatever is permissible.
・The best way to have the best relationship with your children is to spend half the money and twice the time.
∙ Buy an up-to-date tourist guidebook for your town or region. You can learn a lot by being a tourist once a year!
・Don't wait in line to eat something famous. It is rarely worth the wait!
・The quickest way to find out the true nature of someone you just met is to put them on a very slow Internet connection and observe them.
・The way to gain popularity is to do something weird and make weird a habit!
・Make backups. Have at least one physical backup and one backup in the cloud, and have multiple of each. If you lost all your data, photos, and notes, how much would it cost to restore them? Backups are cheap compared to regrets!
・Don't believe everything you believe.
・To signal an emergency, apply the rule of three: three shouts, three honks, three whistles.
・Do you order what you think tastes good in a restaurant, or do you try something new? Do you make what you know will sell or try something new? Do I continue to date new people or connect with those I have already met? The optimal balance between exploring new things and capitalizing on what you have once found is "1/3"; spend 1/3 of your time exploring and 2/3 of your time digging deeper. As you get older, it becomes harder and harder to devote time to exploration because it seems unproductive, but aim to devote time to exploration.
・A great opportunity does not have "great opportunity" in the subject line!
・When you are introduced to someone, make eye contact and count to four. This will help you remember each other.
・If you think, "Where's my good knife?" or "Where's my good pen?" that means you have a "bad one”. Throw it away.
・ If you are stuck, explain your problem to others. Often, sorting through the problem will help you find a solution. Make "explaining the problem" part of your troubleshooting process!
When buying garden hoses, extension cords, and ladders, buy ones that are significantly longer than you think you will need. That way they will be properly sized!
・Don't fight the old, just build the new!
・Your group can accomplish much greater things than you can by simply showing that they are appreciated by those around them!
・When someone talks about the good times before things go downhill, the peak of life, it is always the year when that person was 10 years old. It's the same with every human being.
・You are as big as the object of your anger.
・When speaking to an audience, it is better to fix your gaze on a few people than to "scatter" your gaze around the room. Your eyes tell them whether or not you "believe what you are saying.”
. Habit is much more dependable than inspiration. Make progress by developing habits. Don't focus on getting in shape; focus on becoming a person who never misses a workout!
・When negotiating, don't focus on making something big, but on making a big something!
・If you repeat what you did today 365 more times, won't you be the ideal you want to be next year?
・You only see 2% of others and they only see 2% of you. Be aware of the hidden 98%.
・Your time and space are limited. Remove, let go of, and discard what does not bring you joy to make room for what does!
・Our descendants will accomplish things that will amaze us. But some of what they will create, we could have made too with the materials and tools we have today if we had the imagination. Let's think bigger.
・Be especially curious about things you are not interested in in order to reap big rewards!
∙ Focus on the direction, not the destination. Maintain the right direction and you will get where you want to go!
・Every breakthrough starts out laughably ridiculous. In fact, if it doesn't start out funny or ridiculous, it's not a breakthrough!
・If you lend someone $20 and they avoid paying you back and you never see them again, it's worth the $20.
・Imitating others is a good way to start. Imitating yourself is a disappointing way to end.
・The best time to negotiate a salary for a new job is after they want you, not before. If you do, it will be a game of chicken where both parties name the amount first, but it is to your advantage to get them to give you a figure first!
・Don't steer your life away from surprises, aim directly for them!
∙ If you rent a car with a credit card, do not buy extra insurance
・If your opinion on one subject is predictable from your opinion on another subject, you may be ideologically driven. If you really think for yourself, your conclusions are unpredictable.
・Aim to die penniless and give to your beneficiaries before you die. It is more fun and useful that way. Spend it all. Just send your last check to the funeral home.
・The best safeguard against aging is to continue to be surprised, not to go through the motions.
【MANGA】 "The World in 5000 Days: A 'Mirror World' Where Everything is Connected to AI" [Summary/Kevin Kelly].
The world will change drastically in 5000 days!
The next 50 years we will enter into a world of AI and AR!
5000 days ago,
Twitter was founded
A Mirror World
Augmented Reality
A world where virtual reality is on top of reality!
The difference between work and play will disappear
New technologies will
create new jobs
You'll be doing work you love
You'll keep asking "What is it that I love?"
After the year 2040 will be all
automatic operation
5000 days later
Electric cars
5000 days after that
Automated driving
The Age of Asia
The Age of "China" and "India
2.8 billion people in 2 countries
More than 1/3 of the world's population
People will gather in cities
Rural areas will die
Concentration in Tokyo (cities will become huge)
Rural areas will become farms
(AI will work in factories and farms)
Bio Meat
No animals killed
Good for the environment
Alternative meat
Not real meat
No longer necessary to kill animals
Automatic translator
Translates in real time
AR and VR will
drastically change education
New media will emerge
It's the optimists who make the future!