Today's Jewel reading
Let no day then pass that ye do not speak a CHEERY and an encouraging word to someone!
Here's to another great day!
NPO Japan Edgar Cayce Center
The most energetic people
are people who cheer others up〜♪
Let's bring cheer to others〜♪
Thank you〜!!!
Treat rest the same as work
Working more than 7 hours is a waste.
4-6 hours of work 〜
Default Mode Network
You're working while your brain is resting.
We can only do creative work
in the 4 hours in the morning!
Take a walk or exercise
Go mountain climbing
20-90 minute naps
Take a break when work is going well.
You'll want to start something next
Work and hobbies
stop in a good place, same like movies/animes!
Every two to three months
Take a week or so off for rest.
A friend from Thailand said they read this book.
When I asked my Thai friend the title of this book...
The Thai language here is.
The Best Way to Create Income
7 Purse Making
What it says in Thailand is
the best way to create income
Creating 7 pockets
Is this it?!
Is this it?!
This book is about how to monetize yourself

Thank you〜〜〜
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s