Thursday, February 3, 2022

An unbelievable 2 days! Piles of priceless wisdom and information!

 It was incredible〜!


I'll leave you with a few 

of the precious jewels the guests spoke 〜〜〜

Parents' values are transmitted to their children!


Communicate the start of things.

 Fish fillets → swimming fish

 Meat → the cow

There are many things going on that we can't see ~~.


Then it's easier to communicate the circulation 

the circle of life! 

Because we can imagine

we can create!



He who loves the thing 

will surpass the person who does it by effort! 

You are perfect just the way you are. 



The quality of your questions

will determine the quality of your life

The quantity of questions you ask 

determines the quantity (richness) of your life.


Why is this like this?

Why is that like that?


Areas with more festivals have

a lower crime rate




Negative answer

Positive answer


Land on a verb!



If it's changing your job・・・


What should I do?!

・Watch YouTube

・Buy recruiting magazines.

・Is my hair fine like this?



Do the factoring!


People want to be adventurous.



then fear sets in.

What are you afraid of?

↓↓↓ Ask yourself

Write it down.


I'm scared.

I'm scared.


It's capitalism.

It's our job to sell the problem.

"Buy or be afraid."

"Buy it or you'll be ashamed."

"Buy it or you'll be late."


When the home base is solid.

People can be adventurous.


When you're clear on the one thing you can trust.

Be aware that 

when you are told that you don't have to do anything

The unconscious mind has a tendency to be pleased.

It doesn't want to move! You should know that


All the facts are correct.

If you look at the law in detail

everyone is a criminal!

As long as you're alive, 

you're a nuisance to someone. 


In this day and age

People die of obesity

Fewer people die of starvation.


Good nature theory!



Biological world

Uselessness leads to death


Only humans

Are allowed to fail

Ex: Can't walk right after birth


 So humans are the only 

creatures who have to say "help!" in order to survive. 





It's not just about money!

It's doing what you love. 

That's what we look for 

I'm overwhelmed with parenting!


I'm choosing to raise my kids!


When you start...

I can't do it well (it's the same with any game)


Until you get used to it

and can then do it mindlessly (no judgement)



True richness is

to be free of constraints


To be aware of one's prejudices and attachments! 


In the end

what do I want to do?


On busy days

Stop and take a step back.

Reflect on yourself.


Don't compare yourself to others.


People compare 

when they have time.


Find something to get excited about!


Create a situation where 

you have no choice but to do it!

Join a group like that.

Or make a declaration.

Until a certain point.

I would beat people up.

I was living my life to stand out!



I've decided to live for the joy of others!


People might judge me!?


Who is everyone?

Which people or person?!

If you want to give shape to something

Visualize it first. 

Did you imagine now, five years ago?


I wanted to do it because I believed in it.

I've been doing this my whole life.


Imagine the future.

And savor the present.

Courage = The Power of Belief


Can you be grateful for what you have now?



Abundance = Being who you are


Create your own life

I create my own life.

I choose to do it! =Happiness

Adults need to show the way

through their way of being 

and way of living! 

Enjoying life! 


Ladies and gentlemen, 

all of this is the essence!


I and my father were both so shy

and at coffee shops we would fight over 

who would ask for a refill of water. 


While working as a coach

I was influenced by people challenging themselves. 


What "came up" in my mind

Put it into action!


I'm giving myself permission!


Before you say this and that about your kids 

the parents need to be doing what they want to do! 


I love myself!

I love myself without reason!



He was a delinquent youth


My mother's question was excellent!

"Did you have a good day?"

"Did everyone look like they were having fun?"


Take the kids.

Around the World

in a camping car


4 years old, 6 years old

Parents explained to the kids 

we are going around the world.

What do you want to do?

6 y/o son "I wanted to go to school, but..."

4 y/o daughter  "I don't want to be alone, so I'm going."


What about learning and studying?! 

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

You always say that dad


I don't want to do math drills! So...

The End!


My son quit college.

Now he's 19 years old 

and he's starting his own business!


If you go to ninth grade.

I can go to high school! (laughs)


I talk to my kids about money

on a regular basis.


That guy is working for 1,000 yen an hour.

You just ate 1,500 yen worth of food at the sushi restaurant.


In Bali you can live fairly well on 30,000 yen a month!

You can save up 400,000 yen in Japan and spend a year in Bali!


For the discouraged

For people with complexes


Happy things

Sad things

There's something for everyone!

I'm going to screw you over overwhelmingly!

For people who are discouraged

or have inferiority complexes


Happy things

Sad things

Everyone has it! 

It happens to everyone!




I was an honor student.

I got along with everyone.


I run a cram school.

I think it's okay to not go to school.

(Owner of a cram school with 20,000 students)


I'm starting my own school in April 

At 36, I lost everything.

Cancelled my insurance.

Sold my car, everything!

I was emptied out! 


How was I gonna raise my kids?

I knew I couldn't do it being paid on an hourly basis.

Not with my skills. 


I can't teach kids how to study!

Then let's start a cram school!



That rough time....

That's a fortune that money can't buy!



When I was a child

It's raining and I can't do it

It's hot and sunny and I can't do it.

...Realize that the point is not what's happening around me 



teaches to obey rules and out of duty.

The West

they teach freedom and rights


What do you want to do?!


Go to school = life working for a company

Not going to school = freelance life


Parents get a chance to face themselves

through their children. 

I had a part-time job from the first year of junior high school

I learned that I could figure things out as long as I worked.

and as long as I was safe

I can manage!




Instead of being strong

accept what is!


Be a determined parent!


For people with inferiority complexes


1) Empathize well

(2) What's good about you?

3) Is there anything you can do because of it?

(4) What's the good thing about having it?

5) Embrace your complex!


You can't re-do it,

But you can start over again!


When I was told I was being expelled, 

my teacher said,

"Kitahara, you can do it!"


I wanted to live up to those words!

I wanted to be told that again!


Before I knew it, I was valedictorian!

My Dream

I want to meet Yuzo Kayama.

I want to meet Sayuri Yoshinaga.

(It has come true now.)


Gather people around you who get what you're doing and say,

"You're awesome!"



Gratitude and smiles




I was an honors student.

but I was shy



But I was really into music.


My old self

Who I am now

The difference is...

I'm aware of it.

I'm triggering it again.

And now you're activating it.

I'm meta-aware of myself.


A Lifetime of

Living Your Own Individuality


A world without comparison



I used to have blushing disorder

My first encounter with table tennis


Encounter with self-development

The Four Principles of Success

1) Imagine/visualize

2) Don't listen to the noise around you.

3) Trust your subconscious mind

4) Imagine yourself becoming the person you want to be


Very active in table tennis


Worked for a car company

People around me love cars with their lives.

I couldn't compete with that.


I'm going to make my dream come true.

Solve my problems

This is what I do for a living.


You have a treasure is inside of you.




Nausea, headaches

I went to the hospital, but they didn't know why.

And my atopic dermatitis was getting worse...

Is there something wrong with me that I wasn't being told?


Now that I think of it, 

I think it was from stress. 


I got sick and I thought

"I don't have to win to my brother"

"I'm loved."

My mother loved me unconditionally (even though I was not an honor student)

My father, who was very busy, worked hard at night to support me.

I was able to let go of everything.


I could just be myself!


I went to America

I was a Japanese who couldn't say no.


One day, I realized that saying no 

is not selfishness.

it's assertiveness!


I had an encounter with Dr. Carl Simon

It's not a matter of somehow healing

It's about creating a life that shines 

as long as one has life.


Trust the wisdom within you.

Listen to your inner voice.


While I slept, my grandmother appeared in my dreams and told me 

"Live your life the way you want to live it."→This gave me deeper conviction! 


to bring the Simonton Method to Japan!



The archives are in the FB group! 


↓↓↓You can see it from here!↓↓↓

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If you join this line @ you can join our group consultations 

in February and March!


We'd love for you to become an UP&UP ambassador! 

↓↓↓This is separate from the Official LINE!↓↓↓




↓↓↓I'll do a seminar with Ayumu Takahashi ↓↓↓

Please make time for this〜〜〜〜


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s