The seminar in Sapporo was a blast!!!
Thank you very much.
Was so fun and interesting.
What if there was someone who believed in you more than you believed in yourself?
=What if there was someone who supported you?
The "Important 3" for dimensional ascension
1) Recognize that you are strange
Know your own unique personality
Feeling comfortable when you are the same as others→Stop doing that.
2) Decide how you will live and live like that.
Then your surroundings will start to change.
(3) Friends will gather around you.
Strange people attract strange people.
Dimensional Ascension = Live Yourself
Motivational coaches!!!
You can find free coaching,
and a menu of excellent coaches here〜〜〜
*Have you ever had a coaching session?!
Tama-chan, happy birthday☆゜:*:・゜
After that, we went to
eat Genghis Khan
And I attended the Worldview Summit!
And then...
We went to a show-pub called "Raratsu"!
Mr. Arai.
"Let's go for a drink♪"
By giving you can gain
the abundance of giving・・・
By being filled with abundance,
you can enter the cycle of abundance〜〜〜
Being in a good mood!
↓↓↓ Yesterday's Worldview Summit ↓↓↓↓

Wow Japan〜〜〜
Why is it failing?!
We should stop the system of regular employees.
Teaching and Learning in the Terakoya Method
Living in the Wildnerness of the world with friends
Stagnation and inflation.
The term was coined from a combination of "stagnation" and "inflation," and refers to a state in which prices rise while unemployment is high due to economic recession.
"When the economy picks up, consumption picks up and prices rise."
"When the economy slows down, demand shrinks and prices fall."
This is an economic phenomenon that differs from the normal flow of events.
The GDP per capita in Japan
Average wage
Minimum wage
was over taken by that of Korea.
It's quite harsh!!!
Why do you want to start a business?!
I hate waking up early
I'm not good with bosses.
I want to live a free life.
I don't want to be controlled.
I want more time off
Are that enough reason to start a business?!
Okay, then.
What kind of business do you want to run?!
I want to live doing what I love.
・・・Most businesses come from hobbies.
Do you understand your business's profit model?
What's your return on investment?
How much do you need?
When can you get your money back?
If you can't answer that.
It means you're not thinking.
You shouldn't borrow money from your parents.
Those who can succeed
are only those who can take action for their goals
Wake up early
Work late
Don't get down
Never give up
It's not about pretty talk
It's all about action
The possibility of success.
The determination to start a business
Information from Mr. Ita
🔗"elu" is a web service that makes it easier than ever to
sell digital data
Sakuraga-Gakuen overcomes the tenacious Kyoto Seika-Gakuen
Their 24th victory in three consecutive years! / Japanese
Winter Cup Women
Shingo Katori marries non-celebrity woman
"I will continue to work diligently."
I told Miho, and she was disappointed. lol
Shohei Otani, is he the MLB's Tadaji Kunisada...
The difference between him and other stars is his 'smile.
Local newspaper introduction (Chunichi Sports)
He told me about Kabaddi
Let's learn the rules in 7 minutes!
Kabaddi lecture ①〜Introduction〜
1st place❗️ Masayoshi Son
Characterized by a wide top, bottom, left and right❣️.
Creates a huge fortune.
He thinks deeply and profoundly, his brain is constantly active, and heat is generated in his forehead.
Through the hair follicles disappearing and the forehead becomes wider and wider,
the brain is constantly active and will walk the path of light.
He has a wide range of thought
can give more and more output❗️.
and think globally on a global scale
Sharp, without roundness.
The spirit to face difficulties with strong conviction.
Is humane, but motion and desire can also be suppressed.
A warlord's eyes.
The mouth of financial fortune and satisfaction with money.
Will live a long and wealthy life.
Jewish nose
Will make an enormous fortune in a single generation.
Sharp intuition, guarded by great merchant ancestors.
A nose that accumulates money.
2nd place❗️Tadashi Yanai
"Forehead" Wide, up and down, left and right
Bright, sociable, lucky in the brain, deep thinker, curious and communicative.
Excels in business talent and has outstanding ability to act towards ideals❗️
"Eyes" Thin eyes
Calm judgment and excellent insight❗️
With an eye for romance, always dreaming and opening new frontiers with invention and discovery
"Nose" Nose head protrudes roundly
Moves the world❗️The ideal nose for business
There was a great world-wide merchant among his ancestors❗️
We've got the brains of the world pooling their money.
"Ears" earth ears, thick flesh
Great luck with money and fortune, intelligent, courageous and flexible
3rd place Takemitsu Takisaki
Wide top, bottom, left and right
Has strong celestial, human and earthly crests.
He always thinks about the world, has a strong sense of self, and is always thinking about the people around him, his family, and his employees.
Ichimonji Eyebrows
Doesn't bend to life, but goes through with what they decide.
Push forward in everything
Ming's powerful thinking and will power❗️.
"Ears" Huge earthen ear👂
A large and magnificent ears.
He has long ears and listens to a lot of people
Vertically long and bold❗️
Will be blessed with a lot of money and fortune
"eyes" Round eyes
Be able to see everything and be the first to catch the latest trends and create amazing ideas and products.
Can see through people
Angular chin.
You always have the strength to make it on your own, no matter what.
Perseverance and doing the best he can
He is blessed with good luck with money and fortune.
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s