Friday, November 26, 2021

If you are aware that you are angry, try changing the subject of "that guy" to "I ...".


DJ AOI-san. 





How to cure your angry personality



People who lose their temper easily tend to have other-person centered thinking. 

On the other hand, calm people tend to have a self-centered mindset.

For example, if a person keeps making the same mistake over and over again

if you think about it centered on the other person, you might say, "How many times do I have to tell you?" and blame the other person. 

However, if you think about in a more self-centric way, you can send a message centered from yourself that says "It's important so (I think) you should fix it". 

The expression "losing oneself in anger" is exactly the result of other-person-centric thinking. 

It's a phenomenon of losing the independence of "self" and becoming a monster that irresponsibly attacks others. 

We are designed to not be able to attack others without losing ourselves.

Fights and quarrels are always about the other person versus the other person.

Both parties forget themselves and say, "You!"  "No, no, you!" 

In most cases, this is just a mudslinging match because the crucial "you" is absent from both sides.

A proper discussion is "self-centric" versus"self-centric". 

Each person shares "This is what I think" "This is what I think" and respect each others thoughts and feelings. 

If you are aware that you tend to get angry or lose your temper easily, 

try to make it a habit to change the subject of your thoughts from "that guy" or "this guy" to "I" or "I am" 

It takes about six months to acquire the habit of thinking (depending on the individual).

Once you have developed the habit of self-centric thinking, you will update into a person who can have rational conversations. 

It will change our life greatly if you become a person who can communicate properly. 






Ken Honda✖ Souun Takeda Special Talk Live


 "Why Gratitude 

and Creativity  

creates miracle after miracle in our lives?"


How to Play Freely on this Earth in the Age of Wind


Date and Time: November 30, 2021, 21:00 - 23:00



In Japan the economic disparity has not widened.


The country on a whole is getting poorer.

Growth has not been generated

100 million people in poverty

Both the rich and the general public are now vulnerable.


Disparity happens 

when new wealth is created

and the distribution is distorted. 

It creates inequality. 


However, Japan has no wealth or new industries


Until the disparity is created

Japan should hang on! 



Declaring the building of Bitcoin City!

ELSAL Battle


Building of "Bitcoin City" announced.

El Salvador to issue $1 billion worth of bonds

「ビットコインシティ」建設発表、エルサルバドルが10億ドル相当の債券発行へ(あたらしい経済) - Yahoo!ニュースエルサルバドルが世界初の「ビットコイン・シティ」の建設を計画しており、当初はビットコイン担保付き債券で資金調達すると、同国のナジブ・ブケレ大統領が11月20日に発表した。 ブケレ大統領は、エルサルリンク

At a week-long event on Bitcoin in El Salvador, President Bukele said, "The city planned for the La Union region in the east of the country will be powered by geothermal power from a volcano and will not be subject to any taxes other than the value-added tax (VAT), an indirect tax on the purchase of goods and services.


You can invest here and make as much money as you want. This is a completely ecological city, it gets its energy from volcanoes, and it works.


This will make El Salvador the financial center of the world."



Editing Horizontal Videos to Vertical

Engagement rate 9 times higher

【TikTok For Business Survey】



This AI appeared. 

It is watching you from inside the car.

The system also alerts pedestrians to danger.



Octopus, crab, and lobster were found to be sentient!

Now subject to animal protection laws!!!

Oh, no.

I'm sorry.


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s