Life is short!
From 2000 years ago, it's been asked,
"How can I be so busy?
"Is this really how life is supposed to be?"
1。We are wasting our lives
2。We cannot be too busy
3。How to use time to lengthen your life
1。 We are wasting our lives
1)Life is not at all short
You busy?!
Life is not short.
Because we are wasting so much time ・・・
Is your life being put to good use? !
It's not that life is short.
It's that we are shortening our lives
because we are wasting it
2) You're inviting people in to steal your life.
What if they take your possessions?!
What if they take away your time?!
Life= time.
It's like we're living in eternity.
Even though it could end at any moment?!
Do not put off your wise plans!!!
Life could end at any moment!
2。We cannot be too busy
1)Busyness=It makes us further from living our lives.
Busy→Everything goes wrong
Living is not an easy thing to learn
Living→ Valuing your time (= valuing life)
Knowing the value of your time
Can you use it for yourself? !
2)Spend every day as if it were the last day of your life
Hope for the future
Can also mean disgust with the present!
Tomorrow, waiting
Tomorrow, fearing
Living long?! ×x
Just means having existed for a long time!!!
3。How to use time to lengthen your life
1) Procrastination = biggest loss in life
Foresight = ego
Think about the future and plan for it!?
You never know when life will end.
Live better than you think
Live for what you have to do now
Expectations are the biggest obstacle
Expectations hang on to tomorrow and destroy today.
Before you know it, you're an old man
2) The past can be owned forever.
Life is
Past = sacred and special (nothing to worry about)
Present = short Do what you really want to do now
Future = Uncertain
The present becomes the past
Accumulate the past of doing what you want to do
Live in the now
3)True Leisure is in the Life of Seeking Wisdom
Use your time to obtain wisdom.
=Learn from the greats of the past
Confront the great men of the past
We are allowed to discuss
To be at ease
and come face to face with the human qualities
Don't waste your years!
We can learn from them!
Parents are a coincidence → We can choose the greats of the past
We can receive their fortune
and share it with others
Learn from the wise
Make your life long!
Parents wondering: Should they let their children watch "Squid games?"
What kind of space tour would you want to join?
Latest Space Tour Catalog
The mysterious medicinal properties of Pine Needles
↓↓↓For more details〜↓↓↓

Ear gear to make your face smalle!!!
*For those interested↓↓↓
Want to learn more about the 4 steps!
Implement, Implement, Implement!!!!!
Grateful to everyone in each region!
Thank you〜〜〜
Thank you for picking up the garbage〜
At CANTIK-MANIS, a Japanese cafe in Yokohama Chinatown...
There is a painting exhibition going on right now.

みなとみらい線 元町中華街駅2番・3番出口より徒歩3分
京浜東北線 石川町駅より徒歩10分
❖ 詳しい行き方はこちらをご覧ください ❖
Open Hours 11:30 – 21:00 (Food L.O 20:00 Drink L.O 20:30)
Days off: 2nd and 4th Tuesday, Every Wednesday
神奈川県横浜市中区山下町98 GSハイム山下町2F TEL 045(264)8396