Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The subconscious will make your dreams come true! Decide "Yes! I'll do it" and the RAS will get to work for you!



【Meditation music to help you fall asleep in 5 minutes・bgm for sleep】

Meditation music that leads you to sleep at once and through its solfeggio frequencies repairs your body and mind, relieves stress and helps you recover from fatigue through deep sleep 

【Sleeping music・Healing music】




1) The New York Times.

  A week's worth of information...

 is equivalent to the amount of information in an individual's lifetime in the 18th century!


2) The amount of information produced this year

  The amount of information produced this year is greater than the amount of information produced in the past 5,000 years!


(3) The amount of information humans will produce this week

  will be twice as much as last week!



Today you are learning Information 

that you will not be able to use tomorrow!!!


65% of elementary school students

will be in jobs that don't exist today!


We are being expected to use our brains to its full potential!




97% of our brain capacity is being underutilized 




1)How to use that 97% of our brains


We are lacking in neural training (experience)

People who know only one city

People who know in detail about 10 places ...

Learning does not reduce the amount of information


Can go from 3% to 300%!

Learn knowledge and theory!!!

If it's the same stimulus, we don't learn 

We need new stimuli!

All perceptions are doing is 

checking  it against past knowledge

Cognitive Science shows us that 

we recognize new knowledge through 

comparing it abstractly with the knowledge we already have. 


・People around us (=dream killers) 

・Social values (social imprinting) 

・Virtual self (if at that time I ......) 


Discard these 3 yardsticks!

(They are essentially 3 types of brainwashing)


Dream killers

People who prevent you from realizing your dreams

People who say, "You can't do it! "You can't do it!

Comparing yourself to others is nonsense!


Don't try to be taller.

Stretch your comfort zone!!!




Increase your own self image!!!


2)How to use the 


Let go of the life others chose for you 


Have a goal (something you really want to achieve ...)


Think about how can I achieve it?!

That's where the RAS comes into play 


Affirmations are important


Write down 5 things you are proud of 

・Getting into the TOP 30 at Interhigh 

・Going from Diamond to→FCA

・My painting exhibition in New York 

・Living this life all over the world 

・Writing 55 books


Read twice a day! Bring back the feeling of pleasure!



Envision your Dream!!!

+Add your emotions of being proud of past achievements to this


Shower the overflowing emotions of the past with

your future dreams

And RAS → it will gather information!


Your subconscious will make your dreams come true!


Decide "I'll do it!!" 

Then the RAS will get working! 






Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s