Takumi Yamazaki's special seminar!!
"The important things about making raving fans!!"
August 16th (Mon) 21:00-22:30
Participation fee: 11,000 yen (including tax)
How to join: via zoom
Please apply by filling out the information below and sending it to
yu_jin726kyo_ko@yahoo.co.jp(Person in charge: Ban)
Postal code
Phone number
I did 40 minutes of this content this morning, but everyone really liked it! I was glad.
This time I'll take my time and share all of it in 90 minutes 〜〜〜
How will people become your fan?!

You don't have a large income because of all that you can do,
but rather because you are loved!
People want to be with people who are in a good mood!
It's fine if you're fired up about it.
Life is short.
It's better to choose what you think is good
rather than being concerned about the opinions of others!
If you know the minimum amount you need to survive, you can relax a bit more!
If you have good relationships, knowing that in a worst case scenario, someone will help you, you can also relax!

Your evaluation of yourself,
is how others will evaluate you.
Be kind to yourself.
Create a list of leaders you don't wish to be like.
Do the opposite!
Gratitude and negativity can't co-exist!
Everyone is using up their energy on people they dislike.
Learn to be loved/liked by people with abilities!
People with good luck
are increasing the luck of others
There are many returns
when you live in a good mood!
Rather than doing something great
live in a good mood!
When things don't go well,
realize that you are growing your roots
If you're not good at talking,
the you can learn to write out what you want to say!
When you leave a team,
look in their eyes.
What would a future you
tell yourself now?!
The existence of the subconscious・・・
Pink breathing method
Exhale for 4 seconds= Imagine breathing out all the bad dirty things
Inhale for 8 seconds =Imagine pink good things coming in and filling and spreading to your entire body
Your subconscious is what creates your life
Conscious mind
Subconscious mind when you are in a relaxed state, it's easier to change it
Collective consciousness (synchronicity)
Super consciousness (the universe, god, love, gratitude)
If you strongly think that you want to be happy
you will create a reality where you will be thinking you want to be happy
Same as if you want to become rich
It's the same as affirming that you are not that way now.
Experience feeling that way already
as if you already are.
Instead of the feeling of wanting to be that way.
The brain can't tell the difference between your imagination and reality.
The brain will think it's experienced it
I don't have enough money
The more you say it the more that reality will become true
If you are grateful and say thank you
things will go better
Be grateful to your ancestors
I used to think I was unhappy and unfortunate
but I saw a photo of me as a child・・・
and I realized how loved I actually was〜〜〜
Stop your brain
Focus on your breath
Go somewhere where there is alot of greenery
Be grateful for all that is in front of you 〜〜〜〜
If you want to lose weight
it's important to feel that scene of joy once you've lost that weight =how does your heart/emotions move?!
It's important that your emotions move!
Turning your thoughts into positive thinking
When I put out my best, I do it in festival mode
Most of us have decided ourselves what type we are
and then make decisions accordingly
I decided I would achieve my goals as if it were the same as breathing
I produced each week =to create results
Then miracles would happen
It was always expected
The foundation of everything is being able to
Turning your thoughts into positive thinking
It's not the same as positive thinking
This way of thinking will even change
the thought patterns of your brain!
Even negative people can become happy
Look for the happy
Don't look for the unhappy
The brain will search for the keywords you give it
like a search engine
Look for happiness in the past
Look for happiness in the future
Don't try to put a lid on the rotting garbage. It'll start to smell.
1。Use a cheery voice
2。Reply with thank you
3。Keep the water areas clean
4。Greet your local shrine/god
5。Wipe your genkan (entrance to your house)
6。Have a god shelf and greet daily
Don't focus on the numbers
but on the excitement
Who are your words going to?
What kind of a world do you want to create?
What kind of a person do you want to be?