Saturday, July 10, 2021

Smart? Ability to take action? Sincere? Do you have all 3?


Are they energetic?



・Ability to act?



Do they have all 3?!

At the core of everything,  do they have energy? 

People who are energetic also have good luck. 

People connect them with others 

and they try different things ・・・

They don't have to be famous. 

They are just willing to try what comes to mind! 



Falling in love?!



That means the chakra falls from up to down

Daisuke world is deep!!!

I'm going to learn more about it tonight〜〜〜〜




New book "How to live with ease" 【Book summary】




Who is this Hiroyuki?! 

From Akabane 

When he was in grade school 

is parents gave him a PC

and he played creating simple games. 

When he was in university, he started working creating homepages. 

and learned that he can making a living by programming. 

After having an accident, 
he used the money he got for compensation to study abroad 

He created channel 2 

He's a business man who can do programming. 
Softbank Son Masayoshi 
Mercari   Mr. Yamada 
Cyber agent   Mr. Fujita 


We have completely different values. 
Hiroyuki-san doesn't want to work so hard. 

He realized that starting his own business is fun and 
it's easier to make money that way. 
Usually people who don't want to work →become unemployed 
In his case, he didn't want to work →so he started his own business!!!

But he's not interested in expanding the company 
That takes alot of effort. 
He's only doing it because he enjoys it. 
He has alot of income but his lifestyle hasn't expanded much. 
He doesn't spend hardly any money 
Doesn't live in a big mansion. He drinks canned juice and doesn't spend money on clothes or cars. 
He enjoys watching movies and traveling! 

He has no interest in becoming rich or successful !!!
→ Many people's values is that they just want to live with ease! 
Change your own actions!(lol)
■Create your own rules!
 Get sleep!
   Enough sleep!
 Create your own unique rules. 
   No need to follow other people's rules. 
■Know your own type
 Don't get involved in genre's that you're not good at. 
 People who can create 
 10 to 11,12,13・・・
 Make use of your strengths and self-analyze! 
■Understand your abilities 
 Not thinking too highly of yourself 
 Not over-expecting 
 Not blaming yourself 
 Becoming anxious trying to predict the future→stress
 The chances of what you're worried about actually happening is about 4%
 Expect the worst 
   Think about how you can be happy within your own abilities?!
●Always leaving one hand open 
 Always having extra space in your schedule! 
   Is it possible that you're too busy that you're missing opportunities? 
   Opportunities →One-shot reversal 
   Life cannot be solved through merely more effort 
   Clarify your priorities 
   What will you live our life placing importance on?!
●Clarify what will go your way and what won't 
   When things don't go your way, trying to change it will only cause suffering for you. 
   Adler's separation of tasks. 
   Only putting your energy into what you can control. 
●If you remember something you don't want to do, prepare to deal with it. 
example → Pull your ears (lol) a specific movement or action. 
Negativity bias 

Wow, so good!

For more details see


Takumi Yamazaki AW digest→


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s