Sunday, July 18, 2021

Polarized consciousness...what to do about it? Live with a smile!

Yesterday I met up with RYOJI・・・

for an event in Kyoto・・・


Right now, we can only use half of the event space for in-person seminars・・・


For lunch we went here!!!

yanaken boo ヤナケンブー 新大阪店生カツオの塩たたきと日本の自然派ワインのお店 | yanaken,boo,yanakenboo,ヤナケンブー,ヤナケン,ブー,日本酒,土佐,料理,さわち,新大阪,自然派,ビオ,ワイン,自然派ワイン,ビオワイン | yanaken boo(ヤナケン ブー)新大阪店リンク




After Kyoto we moved to Osaka ・・・

Two seminars in a row!!!





Polarization of our consciousness


has its own world of happy 


has its own world of struggles・・・


You thought you were headed in one direction 

when before you realized it, perhaps you weren't?! 



My body has been extremely tired lately 

I have a strong sense of right and wrong 

So sometimes before I know it I'm in a sense of obligation 

and life becomes no fun. 

If you are living life with such emotions, 

then it will pull you down. 

Especially at this time, if we allow ourselves to become unconscious

it will naturally pull us down. 

Since there is so much negative information 

all around, via the TV and the internet・・・

There's plenty of the energy of anxiety 

so we could end up going the opposite direction without realizing it 

There's less and less positive news〜


If you want to go to a world of fun 

what you need to do is simple !!!


Declare that "I will spend today with a smile on my face!" 

I love 〇〇!! Declare the things you love and start your day like that. 



The things you love! 

What you find cute or adorable! 

・・・All those will keep you facing the direction of light! 

In the video comments, write out what you love! 


"Live today with a smile!" 

These words really stuck with me. 

Being surrounded by what you love 

Experiencing what you love

Focus your consciousness on "the things and people you love!!!"







in this time of great change, 

before we know it we can find ourselves on a different trajectory than the one we intended to be on. 

If we aren't faithful to check out hearts, 

we can easily become influenced・・・


Live with a smile. 

HONAMI communicates such a simple method. 

I'm really looking forward to our seminar next month〜〜〜


↓↓↓Discussion with Takumi Yamazaki and HONAMI is on IGTV here ↓↓↓IGTV↓↓↓


↓↓↓Seminar with HONAMI on August 1st !↓↓↓



Thank you for yesterday! 



There are groups like this too〜〜〜



Grateful to everyone in each region!


Who wants to gather in Okayama on August 8th〜♪ Calling for all travellers!!

I'll also be singing at Somi-san's event (lol) 

It's possible to join online too!!!

本郷綜海 Love Letters〜表現は愛だ! - リザスト株式会社美しきこの世界 ヒーラーズヒーラー 歌い手 本郷綜海リンク



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s