Wednesday, July 21, 2021

My Tik Tok selection Tilling the field→Planting seeds →Teaching others how to till the fields

↓↓↓  ↓↓↓  ↓↓↓

"Say you only have one car. That you have for your lifetime. You'll probably take great care to change the oil and take good care of it. 
You only get one mind and one body. And it's got to last a lifetime. But if you don't take care of that mind and that body, they'll be a wreck 40 years's what you do right now, today, that determines how your mind and body will operate 10, 20, and 30 years from now."

ウォーレン・バフェット『あなたが車を一台持っていて、一生その車にしか乗れないとしよう。当然あなたはその車を大切に扱うだろう。』名言と真剣に向き合って、偉人の知恵を自分のものにしよう! 目次考察関連する黄金律同じ人物の名言一覧 考察 『あなたが車を一台持っていて、一生その車にしか乗れないとしよう。当然あなたはその車を大切に扱うだろう。必要以上にオ ... リンク

So true〜

So true〜



Takumi Yamazaki 

My TIKTOK selection (lol) 


The relationship of dopamine and life!






The enjoyment of humanity "taking and walk and reading"

Humanity is a challenge to make people happy 

What are the rules of life?! 



The Japanese "Bottomed out" ・・・


"Bottomed out" means that it's quick to crumble?!


My recommendation would be to increase your income streams! 

Having 7 income streams! 

It's safer to have 7 streams of 100,000 yen 

rather than one stream of 700,000 yen! 









TOYOKEN was wow!! 

From Tsu city in Mie →Akasaka


Thank you Kayo-chan


〒107-0051 東京都港区元赤坂1丁目2−7 赤坂Kタワ 1階


【東洋軒】の創業は明治22(1889)年、伊藤耕之進が牛鍋屋【今福】の名で東京三田四国町に開業したのが始まりです。明治30(1897)年、歴代の閣僚の勧めによりその【今福】に隣接して開業されたのが西洋料理店【東洋軒】でした。初代料理長として北垣栄七郎が招かれ、後に天皇の料理番となった秋山徳蔵らを筆頭に、優秀な料理長を次々と輩出し、明治期に名声を残すこととなりました。現在は三重県津市に本店を構え、その歴史と伝統を受け継ぎ、東京 元赤坂の地で【西洋御料理 東洋軒】として歴史が紡がれています。【東洋軒】の伝統の味わいを大切にしながら、時代にあった最高級の料理を発信し続けている名店で至福のひとときを。

The oyster was! 



Onion soup from Awaji island!!!

Black curry

This is famous here !!!

This desert!! 


Handeishi Kawakita san's talk was meaningful! 



川喜田半泥子 - Wikipediaリンク



Saya-chan's existence was also wow〜


 Yayoi-san, thank you always for your power!





Ahhhh! Thank you for yesterday. 

I read Nami-chan's post on Facebook and was filled with gratitude for the opportunity to consult her〜〜〜〜〜



Yesterday was fun〜〜〜

Please lend me your power〜〜〜

Looking forward to how the conversation will develop here on out〜?!


Tilling the field


Planting the seed


Teaching others how to

Thank you Non-chan

I was happy to talk to you on your birthday 

It's already been 20 years since we met. 

I have a feeling our relationship will deepen 〜〜〜〜

↓↓↓A one-day seminar with luxurious cast members↓↓↓

納涼豊作夏祭り~the art of receiveng〜リンク

 A seminar this summer where you can travel further! (lol) 



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s