Breathing method to balance your autonomic nervous system in just 30 seconds
This is quite fulfilling〜〜〜
Next is this!(lol)
I explained about how it's good to write down 6 things you need to do!
Extremely effective... Deciding "What I'll do today are these 6 things"
↓↓↓↓↓↓The opposite of it is this↓↓↓↓↓
List up your NOT to do's !!!
Decide on
you will
NOT do
If you try to hard=your thinking stops
It will change your way of working!
Do what you love
so that you can work 24 hours and not feel like it's work (lol)
With AI and Robots
we can leave the work humans don't want to do to them!
Humans can do
what is fun
and what they love 〜
↓↓↓3 things↓↓↓
Get active in what you love
Get create to make work like play
1)Can you add what you love or like
into your work now?
2)If tomorrow
everything you are doing now was all gone
what would you do?
3)If there were absolutely no rules and you have unlimited and even excess time and money?
Write it out!
Japan's turning point?!
When was it?!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s