Yesterday's clubhouse

Tricking your brain=A great misunderstanding of the brain
100 dreams
They will come true regardless of the size
Amazing things happen with ease
Once things start coming true
Then you can get on a roll
Kondo Mari used to say that she will be on the TV show
"Osama no Brunch" before she even published her book
If you hypnotize someone,
and tell them it's a extremely hot burning steel pole
and put a pencil on their skin, they will get a burn blister.
Stanford's textbook to change stress into power
Self hacking
Value diary
・I want to live like this
・I want to be a person like this
・Having extra margin in your heart ・・・
Write down
3 good things that happen today
Nobumi-san says....
He's been writing a dream list since he was 18
and even put a deadline date on it
Using your RAS (=brain radar)
example) You become pregnant and suddenly you begin to see pregnant women everywhere
You want a certain car and start seeing it everywhere in twon.
When you're fully relaxed
And have inspiration and intuition
Bath time, in the toilet etc..
Black magic A curse order
White magic A excitement order
Put your dreams on your PC
or somewhere where you can see it
5000 people by ○th of ○ month!!!
Achieved early
And it'll go into your subconscious level
It'll be so fun if this happens〜
Making it fun and enjoyable for you is important.
Independence is
=Making things fun for yourself, yourself
=It's unrelated to how the other person is
People whose dreams come true
They make their own selves happy,
irrelative to their surroundings.
People whose dreams don't come true
They are trying to have those around them
or their outside world make them happy.
Everything starts from imagination!
Visualize it in real life!
Experience it fully in your imagination
→Get so into it, that you absolutely must!!
F1 racers don't eat pudding
because it will make their bodies heavy
When they think about driving fast, their eyes sparkle
and they can go on a diet even if no one is forcing them to!
Levels of happiness
are morphine for the brain
Visualize the future clearly and let it bring a smile and excitement to your face.
Blend your highest priorities
together with dieting
example =losing weight and that person you like liking you back
What you are already doing + What you want to achieve =Comes true
Are you happy because you succeed?!
No, you're happy now, that's why you can succeed!
Are you happy because you are rich?!
No, you are happy now that's why you become rich!
Are you happy because your love relationship has come to fruition?!
No, you are happy now that's why your love relationship goes well.
I want you to realize just how wonderful
facing yourself and loving yourself is
My friend opened this shop
I think you'll find what you love here!
See through the mirror
The concept is facing yourself and loving yourself ♬
I had a great time in the evening〜
The BBQ in Kobe looks so fun too〜