Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The drive to relieve discomfort is the root cause of all of our behavior

When you're consciousness is all over the place 

(Often we even do it on purpose!) 



 It goes upward. 

So bring it back to your solar plexus. 

Feel your body. 

The centerline of your aura. 

The central axis is there 

Inside the center of your body. 

We can create the feeling of deciding from inside our bodies 

Our consciousness floats upward, 

and we need to bring it back. 

Bring it back to our bodies. 



Own the space 

You can't buy happiness with money! 

But you can be happy and buy money! 

The order is different! 



Getting angry is actually a mental illness. 


We need to have a deep sense of ownership 

We need to feel it deeper 




These days when its easy to get distracted ・・・

How to become indistractable?!


↓↓↓I received this from a friend↓↓↓


【3 Characteristics that make us distractable】


 ⚫️We have present bias⚫️

We tend to choose short-term benefit over long-term gain. 


Hyperbolic discounting

We have a tendency to choose smaller, immediate rewards vs. benefits that take longer to accrue. 

example) 100$ today or 120$ in a week from now. 


 ⚫️We are marginal thinkers⚫️

When do squirrels move onto the next tree?


Marginal value theorem predicts that animals will switch food sources based on the resource availability and the proximity to the next lush patch. 

In a similar way, we also switch information sources (TV/phone/email) based on the availability and proximity. 


 ⚫️We are creatures of habit  ⚫️

40% of our daily behaviors are done out of habit. 

While we are strict about commitments to others, we break promises to ourselves as we get caught up in momentary desires. 




Motivation is not about mere 

reward and punishment, pain or pleasure. 

Reality is simpler.


The drive to relieve discomfort is the root cause of all of our behavior. 

Everything else is a proximal cause. 


(example: We watch Youtube becaus we don't want to do the difficult task, or we smoke or distract ourselves with drinking, because we don't want to think deeply) 


It's important to know the root causes of what causes us discomfort. 


 ⚫️The discomfort of wanting drives all of our behaviors. ⚫️


The root cause of all distraction consists in finding relief from pain by doing something else. 

By understanding your pain, you can begin to control, cope with and rise above it. 


 ⚫️Factors that create internal triggers of discomfort 



⭐️Negativity bias

⭐️Hedonic adaptation 

++Experiment showing how modern humans cannot stand boredom++ 

67% of men and 25% of women who were left in a room for 15 minutes shocked themselves with a mild electric shock even though before they said they would pay money to avoid being shocked. 

We prefer doing to thinking 

The untutored mind does not like to be alone with one self 


Our belief that willpower is limited is false. 

Changing our mindset about our temperament is the key to becoming indistractable. 

We are only powerless if we think we are. 


Acceptance & Commitment therapy 



 When we try to suppress the thoughts, they are more likely to occur. 




Then decide on how to act! 


 ⚫️Techniques for dealing with distraction ⚫️

⭐️Imagine leaves on a calm stream, and put your desires, distractions and worries on the leaf and observe it flow downstream. 


⭐️Observe your desires, and decide that you will wait just 10 minutes before you do that thing. See if the desire is still there. 


⭐️Observe that desire, and imagine that it's surfing. 

Don't judge it. 


Fun and play are important tools for dealing with distraction. 

How to change mundane tasks into something fun using play 〜!?




Find novelty in a task by fulling focusing on it and finding the variables. 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 


【What is ACT?】

Mindfulness x New psychotherapy methods for mental improvement (depression, mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy)



Our brains↓↓↓


Accept what can't be changed 

as just that 

Think of it as an opportunity

 to think about 

what is truly important to me?! 



2 reasons for psychological distress is ・・・

・Getting caught up in your own thoughts 

・Trying to get rid of unpleasant feelings 


Cognitive fusion 

Trying to avoid experiences that 

confine us within our thoughts ・・・


6 Core Processes 


1)Accept your thoughts and emotions 

2) Set your consciousness in that moment 

3)You can then do what is important 


1)Accept your thoughts and emotions 

  Take a neutral position 

      View it from a distance 

 Example) Observe the cars passing on the road (the happening) from inside your house. 


Create more space for your thoughts and emotions 
Create space for them to exist 


2)Set your consciousness in that moment 

  Connect with this moment 
      Instead of going into the world inside your head. 
      Use your 5 senses + what's happened inside your head. 
    Watch what is going on inside of you/ don't judge it 

See it from a higher perspective (point of view) 
Watch yourself  thinking from a high vantage point (=yourself in context) 

3)You can then do what is important 

  Find meaning in doing that thing 
     Act on it 
   What is important to you?! 
   Put it in words. 

  Value gives our lives meaning and helps us put things in action 

What are the wishes that are deep inside our hearts?! 

Take action on the action you committed to, 
what is truly valuable and important to you! 
Cognitive defusion 
Helps us to act! 

A mindful life filled with value 




This is the video for August 20th!!!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

