Today I went to see my friend Nagatomo in Kyoto!
There's so much that I want to
talk about with you 〜
There's so much I'm learning,
I've written about it in my blog,
so I hope you read it〜
I was happy to see the rabbit picture I sent him decorated there.
Tabasa had also grown up 〜〜〜
Souun Takeda and Yayoi Oguma's conversation was so interesting!
3 rules to be loved by money/destiny ・・・
・Ask questions → Ask yourself quality questions!
How will 〇〇 go good?
・Be grateful for the every day things that you might take forgranted !!!
Gratitude will keep distance from the bad feelings.
It will get you closer to your intuition!
・Give yourself permission!
There are so many people who have a hard time giving themselves permission.
Inner child
Inner parent →is so strict on themselves
They make you feel shameful or not enough
telling you that you don't have the right to be happy now!
Daijobu=Someone with great "jyobu" (strength) =That's Buddha!
The best teaching of Tibetan Buddhism
is to feel good ☆゜:*:・゜
The best way to improve your character was to enjoy oneself!!!
The mass media has power
=an era where pessimism had power
But this new era is a forward thinking one....
not positive but optimistic!!!
Souun Takeda
was so great〜〜〜
About the gorilla and monkey society〜〜〜
There was so much to glean!!!
↓↓↓zoom seminar↓↓↓

Template for learning
Can listen to amazing corporate lectures for an extremely reasonable cost ?!
Nanae Mitobe
faye wei wei is amazing too〜
It's almost like Basquiat〜〜〜!
【18th solo home run】」
Shohei Ohtani
18th HR vs Athletics 6.15.2021
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s